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Why does modern WoW suck?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:22 am
by Xadas
This guy pretty much sums it up:

Re: Why does modern WoW suck?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:25 am
by Cornholi
Lol oh god, you're really asking a vanilla private server forum why does retail wow suck?

I predict the ensuing discussion will be unbiased and rational...

Edit: Ok, on a more serious note after watching the video this is what I think:

He is criticizing the overall design philosophy that WoW has and touches on a lot of points like the casualization of WoW, the implementation of queuing systems like LFR, LFD and others that inhibit interacting with others and essentially making you play the game solo, and the homogenization of classes.

Now, in my opinion, I truly believe if Blizzard hadn't made all of those changes to make the game more casual friendly, it wouldn't had experienced as much success and longevity as it has right now. The entertainment landscape of 2015 is vastly different and much more competitive than when WoW was released in 2004, I truly believe Blizzard realized that they needed to open up the content for a lot more players otherwise they game wouldn't last as long. So what Blizzard has right now in terms of content is tiered difficulty in almost every facet of of the game.

I personally think this system is better, that WoW is a better game because of it. But of course that's just my opinion.

I do agree with him on the fact that because of the implementation of the systems that I mentioned above it makes it a lot harder to socialize with other players, certainly I don't recognize anyone on my server apart from my friends and even if I'm not trying to be rose tinted about this issue, I remember when every server had it's own unique identity with its own sets of unique players and communities, that is sorely lacking right now in retail WoW.

Overall I think what Blizzard had done with WoW is that it is giving you more choices, do you want to play solo and not interact with anyone you're welcome to do so. Do you want to play casually only 1 or 2 hours every day, you can do so as well. Or you can play extremely hardcore with your guild and interact with the community if that's what you like.

Re: Why does modern WoW suck?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:59 am
by Noxx
What he say i agree on

Re: Why does modern WoW suck?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 1:29 pm
by Drain
His 2 other videos on "the grind" are more educational than that one for how WoW was ruined. ... A&index=14
(The second one is after the first in my playlist)
He also has 2 videos on the dungeon finder, which with the teleport added, was one of the biggest things that ruined the game and is still in to this day.
Also, if you're willing to sit through his Wildstar podcast(over 1h long), he discusses a lot of issues with MMOs now, including WoW. He goes into such details as immersion being ruined(thanks to things like dungeon finder teleport), things being made too easy, leveling being too fast, and so on.

I agree with most of what he says with MMOs and WoW. I have a few other videos I collected over time, one of which has since been deleted it seems, but these 2 are still around. Watch if you like. ... sINh-1fi6A ... sINh-1fi6A

Re: Why does modern WoW suck?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 1:51 pm
by balsh
He pretty much nailed it with this video.
Social aspect is gone in every modern mmos.

Re: Why does modern WoW suck?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:37 pm
by thefireguy
Xadas wrote:This guy pretty much sums it up:

I can agree on a few things in this video, especially the part about the removal of you class identity. Back then you needed warlocks to kill Garr, for example.

But what he forgets, and many tend to do the same, is that the community has changed. To be honest not many knew what the heck they were doing back then. Addons like recount (back then SWS_stats) were rarely used. Consumables were something expensive and only in the high end raids you could afford them, and alot of players in your 40 man raids were too poor or lazy to get any consumables at all.

The source of information has also changed alot. How many knew of BiS lists back then, or any class guides at all? You visited thottbot in hope someone before you did find the quest item and put it on the map where it was located, otherwise you had to rely on asking other players. Now we have wowhead.

Today recount is very important and a source to see who is underperforming, in vanilla, probably 80% of the people were underperforming.

Many of us want to play on vanilla servers cause of that nostalgic feel. You will never get that true vanilla feel though, since the players around you have changed. Its down to this, you will see DamageMeters everywhere and people craving to top them, improving their characters to the max, looking for BiS lists and the perfect rotation. Now, with this kind of new community, if we have blizzlike hp and damage output from raid bosses, it will be nowhere as hard as it was back then. Since we know this game so much better now. The community is what has changed the game the most.

Re: Why does modern WoW suck?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 3:42 pm
by Floux
balsh wrote:Social aspect is gone in every modern mmos.

Much like in the real life... :)

Re: Why does modern WoW suck?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 3:44 pm
by Azalus
Floux wrote:
balsh wrote:Social aspect is gone in every modern mmos.

Much like in the real life... :)


Re: Why does modern WoW suck?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:16 pm
by Hatson
This is actually my favourite video concerning WoW from Corpsealot (I've followed his stuff for years now).

MMO PvP and General MMO philosophy & human interactions

A lot of topics discussed there, that Blizzard have completely thrown out the window many years ago.
I've discussed this topic a million times before and by now probably could've wrote an essay on what I feel on this subject, and just in general MMO design, philosophy and community interaction within it and how awful of a MMO it would be without it, and vice versa.
But I feel that video I linked sums up some of the main parts pretty well.

Corpsealot is a very honest and outspoken person. And there's quite a bit of stuff I don't agree on with him. But I appreciate his honesty and his thoughts on all the subjects because it can enlighten people of other ways of looking at things they might not be aware of.
And in some cases, you might find yourself completely agreeing with those views, and can then form on top of that, your own views and thoughts. It's good food for thought.

Re: Why does modern WoW suck?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:16 am
by Mythodiir
Cornholi wrote:Now, in my opinion, I truly believe if Blizzard hadn't made all of those changes to make the game more casual friendly, it wouldn't had experienced as much success and longevity as it has right now. The entertainment landscape of 2015 is vastly different and much more competitive than when WoW was released in 2004, I truly believe Blizzard realized that they needed to open up the content for a lot more players otherwise they game wouldn't last as long. So what Blizzard has right now in terms of content is tiered difficulty in almost every facet of of the game.

I agree if what you mean is commercially successful (which is what you mean), but I would hope that that wouldn't be the only goal of a MMORPG. I believe that pre-RDF and post-RDF WoW are two different games. For me, that's the rift in World of Warcraft's history, and post-RDF WoW is a game I personally have no interest in, although I wouldn't say there's anything incredibly terrible about. There's still enjoyment to be found in it, but it's gone the direction of a themepark as opposed to a grand journey which an RPG should be.

If I were President God-King (whoever makes the decisions) at Blizzard, as a point of game design principle, I would never have allowed such a change to have been made to the game. I personally think of BG queuing similarly. A proper open world experience is the difference between something feeling like a real world, and feeling like a themepark.