Nostalrius politic about abusive camping

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Nostalrius politic about abusive camping

by Krom » Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:42 pm

Hello, my fellow nolifers :D

First I want to say, i'm not here at all to whine (otherwise <Crymoreplz> should have definitely won this round), but more like to understand a point about a negative side of the game.
Yes, surely like a lot of you, i like to kill sometimes greens players for the lulz or free Honnor, but NEVER twice in a row ; after that i always let them to their occupations.

But what about abusive camping ? When and what is the limit with the simple ganking ?
It's in a lot of others servers i've played, to prevent logical issues (wars between guilds or making someone quit the server out of despair), and not sure but think Blizzard himself punished players wich killed the same green or grey person for more than one hour in a row, making him completely impossible to enjoy the game.

Yes I know it's a wpvp server, yes i know i could just take a break or change my levelling location...
Nothing in particular against this guy, but this RED rogue is just chasing me for more than one hour and a half now, getting me at my 5th consecutive death when I respawn mid-life, even killing me at impossible to-reach-in-death-locations (summoning portal mountain in Blasted Lands) or waiting for me to farm tough he easily win the gank then letting the mob kill me... Already spend 3 golds in repair :(
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Re: Nostalrius politic about abusive camping

by OGTUCKER117 » Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:44 pm

Log out for a while or call in a 60 for help
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Re: Nostalrius politic about abusive camping

by JimboPete » Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:49 pm

OGTUCKER117 wrote:Log out for a while or call in a 60 for help
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Re: Nostalrius politic about abusive camping

by Alexpulos » Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:51 pm

OGTUCKER117 wrote:Log out for a while or call in a 60 for help

Exactly, when i am leveling i reach out to local 60's in the near by area to rape them. This is why i love a PVP server. Get camped... Then get revenge!
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Re: Nostalrius politic about abusive camping

by DrunkenEnvy » Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:56 pm

Cry more is the policy.
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Re: Nostalrius politic about abusive camping

by Crymoreplz » Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:03 pm

After third kill, I thought to myself: "Why doesn't this guy fight back? He's probably one of those whiners on the forums..."

Re: Nostalrius politic about abusive camping

by Crymoreplz » Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:06 pm

After third kill, I thought to myself: "Why doesn't this guy even fight back? He must be one of those whiners on the forums...."

Re: Nostalrius politic about abusive camping

by Krom » Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:12 pm

The subject is not about this particular case or what to do in game, of course posting it I was expecting all of those "constructive" replies from the communauty :mrgreen: Just asking if the STAFF is doing something against this and what is the SERVER politic about abusive camping.

Remember, it could happen to YOU !

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Re: Nostalrius politic about abusive camping

by OGTUCKER117 » Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:50 pm

Krom wrote:The subject is not about this particular case or what to do in game, of course posting it I was expecting all of those "constructive" replies from the communauty :mrgreen: Just asking if the STAFF is doing something against this and what is the SERVER politic about abusive camping.

Remember, it could happen to YOU !

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It does happen to me lol literally the same guy did the same shit to me last night but its part of the game
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Re: Nostalrius politic about abusive camping

by Krom » Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:21 pm

Let me honnor my french client and surrending this post
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