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How to be #1 (video) Starring <Exiled> + <GRIZZLY>

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:08 am
by stushx
How to be #1 ranked guild in world:

Here is a prime display of the only reason <GRIZZLY> got to where they are today and why they continue to be, the footage was recorded over many hours and is comprised of mainly justice and feels. You see, Jesus cries when Zetox is allowed to raid, and we're free spirits n'all but we dont hate Jesus, nor America... and thus out of necessity, "Thunderdome Groundandpound Nights" were thereby implemented into <GRIZZLY>'s weekly schedule.
(Most relevant moments are timestamped in the description.)

Note: there is plenty more footage waiting to be rendered from <Exiled>'s next attempted raid night (last night), and boy oh boy.. ITS EVEN SPICIER! hope you enjoy! x)

ps.(@<Exiled>). its only a bit of banter lads... all is fair in love and war, and you can bet your bottom dollar there's no end to our loving capacity

Yours truely,

#TalkSh1t #GetHit

Re: What it takes to be #1 (video) Starring <Exiled>

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:38 am
by Ancestor
An endless circle-jerk of pain. This is what Nost was made for.


Re: What it takes to be #1 (video) Starring <Exiled>

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:50 am
by Codeine
Is it true when you we're CCing Zetox in Burning Steppes that the GM's ported him to his raid?

Re: What it takes to be #1 (video) Starring <Exiled>

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:34 pm
by stushx
Codeine wrote:Is it true when you we're CCing Zetox in Burning Steppes that the GM's ported him to his raid?

any assertions you may have heard of such happenings are to be assumed pure speculation unless/until presented otherwise.

Re: What it takes to be #1 (video) Starring <Exiled>

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:30 pm
by Lerix
The fun really begins at 16 minutes.

Re: What it takes to be #1 (video) Starring <Exiled>

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:42 pm
by Armilus
Uhmm... just FYI, I'm pretty sure it wasn't Zetox that was talking shit about you guys. You got voices mixed up or something.

Re: What it takes to be #1 (video) Starring <Exiled>

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:45 pm
by Zach
Armilus wrote:Uhmm... just FYI, I'm pretty sure it wasn't Zetox that was talking shit about you guys. You got voices mixed up or something.

"MC must be undertuned we're gonna go in and 1 shot everything" - Zetox, among other things.

Re: What it takes to be #1 (video) Starring <Exiled>

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:57 pm
by Noxx

Kick Zetox, dont mess with Grizzly

Re: What it takes to be #1 (video) Starring <Exiled>

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:09 pm
by Nyarko
ty for sharing :D

epic moments in there

Re: What it takes to be #1 (video) Starring <Exiled>

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:06 pm
by orestes
Who is Grizzly and why should I care?