Please Fix Summon

Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:41 pm
by Chritz
Summoning is and has been broken for a bit...some summons don't go to characters, sometimes it goes to characters in the group that you didn't select and every time it leaves you "casting" in the animation even when your done. Also your party members don't show casting animations.
Just 5 minutes I'm running around sideways, locked in channeling can't's pretty bad.
Re: Please Fix Summon

Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:00 am
by Roryx
The same thing has happened to me twice, and the worst is that if I drink while in the channeling animation, I can't do anything other than move forward. Anytime I try to cast a spell I get a message saying "You need to be standing to do that." The only way I've found to fix this is getting hit by someone or something as that forces you to stand up. I've tried a lot of other possible solutions but to no avail. And it's not a complete fix too, if you eat/drink you get stuck in the same animation. The Ritual of Summoning spell is just pretty broken.