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Is this exploit?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:51 am
by exploitman
When i passed the Hive Ashi in Silithus, i found a PLA rogue mining there.
actually he is mining acrane crystal. so i kept watch him two days. i found he was always in map Silithus.
I think he is mining all the time. also i found most of the Acrane crystals in AH are his.
i assume that 1 hour can get about 10 acrane crystal. that's about 100G atm.
i'm not sure if this is exploit. but this really makes lots of money.
Anyone who saw this post can try search him. see if he is in Silithus.
but every time i search him, he was.

Re: Is this exploit?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 8:41 am
by JimboPete
He's in blackrock spire at 10:42am server time.

Re: Is this exploit?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:52 am
by Strife
Not an exploit, he's just mining the rich ooze veins in the bug tunnels with stealth. Can only do that with a stealth class so they're probably all spawned regularly. Only 45 minute respawn timer too according to DB. Another stealth miner should contest him.

Unless of course there's another vein down there that instantly respawns, which would be easy to track. Still though even if there is no bugged node it's possible to get ton of crystal in those tunnels if no one else is mining them.