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Cross Race Mounts?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:40 pm
by pepi
Hey, since the runecloth quest is not implemented yet, is there some other way to get to exalted with other races? Namely as a dwarf to human or nightelf?
I want a pre 1.4 cross race epic mount on my dwarf :>
Doing all quests I found so far doesn't get you to exalted sadly

I barely remember someone on Vanilla who found a quest which is repeatable for rep but i can't find it and remember exactly where that was.

Does someone know anything about getting exalted before the runecloth quests?

Re: Cross Race Mounts?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 2:56 pm
by Sloffanti
Fyi I saw a human rogue in Darn the other day who was riding a night elf 60% mount, and he wasn't even 60, so it is definitly possible, dunno how though.

Re: Cross Race Mounts?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 2:59 pm
by nervous
pepi wrote:Hey, since the runecloth quest is not implemented yet, is there some other way to get to exalted with other races? Namely as a dwarf to human or nightelf?
I want a pre 1.4 cross race epic mount on my dwarf :>
Doing all quests I found so far doesn't get you to exalted sadly

I barely remember someone on Vanilla who found a quest which is repeatable for rep but i can't find it and remember exactly where that was.

Does someone know anything about getting exalted before the runecloth quests?

It's in goldshire and involves giving water to some dude at one of the farms.

Re: Cross Race Mounts?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:02 pm
by pepi
Sloffanti wrote:Fyi I saw a human rogue in Darn the other day who was riding a night elf 60% mount, and he wasn't even 60, so it is definitly possible, dunno how though.

Any chance you remember the name of this fine gentleman?


Re: Cross Race Mounts?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:32 pm
by Shiggs13
Saw a gnome on a nightsaber.. I think he leveled there from lvl 1 lol. Idk how he hit exalted as I've only reached halfway to exalted at 41 as a NE.

Re: Cross Race Mounts?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:51 pm
by Aunstic
pepi wrote:
Sloffanti wrote:Fyi I saw a human rogue in Darn the other day who was riding a night elf 60% mount, and he wasn't even 60, so it is definitly possible, dunno how though.

Any chance you remember the name of this fine gentleman?


The cloth quartermasters were in the game for a set amount of time. He could have used his time wisely and farm the cloth before the staff removed these NPCs.

If you are looking for faction rep quests, AoWoW/ allows you to see all the quests of the faction. I haven't done the math, but if you wish to do it yourself, click any faction in the list at and go under the "Quests" tab for the faction.

Hopefully this is some help to you.