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Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:58 pm
by Cody121
So I have made it into the high 20's so far. After a couple weeks of playing. I do not get to sit and play for 6+ hours at a time unless its my day off, but even on those days I manage to get maybe 2 levels if I am lucky. This seems to be discouraging to me as I feel it will take me quite a while to get to max level and by the time I do get there, guilds will be very far into the content.

I have downloaded the "questie" add on but it seems a little out of whack. Are there any other leveling guides or add ons out there? I have played on other vanilla projects and I am use to the fast leveling, and I felt like nost would be a nice place to relive those endless nights i spent in highschool leveling up and gearing characters, but for some reason it looses its nostalgia after the first hour I am logged in trying to level.

I chose horde to begin with and I quickly realized that like most other projects, horde has less raiding guilds than alliance. Did I make the right decision to roll horde? Or should I go back to alliance? When i realied, I told myself, "well why not just go for r14 then instead of raiding?". But the thing is in order to get some decent gear to be able to compete in pvp, I would need some off set pieces from BWL+ as I get closer to r11-14 to push for those ranks.

So my question to the nost forums is, side and reroll my dwarf priest? Or should I stay leveling my horde mage?

Dont give me this crap of "play what you want", because that is a load of crap. That is what I was told on the other vanilla project and ended up having to reroll because I couldnt get groups.

So, should I go for PVP? Or go for PVE?

Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:38 am
by Phailed
Google an addon called Vanilla Guide. It'll lead you to alot of quest chains that give alot of exp and take you to 60 fast.

Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:51 am
by Jackyy
seriously, you don't need to worry. just take as much time to level as you need.

there will be ALWAYS a guild that does MC & BWL. even when AQ and naxx is out. (well atleast if the "plague" does not spread, feenix players will know what I'm talking about)

this is not retail where only the current raid tier matters. at this very moment like 80% of the players are not even level 60. it will take 2-3 more months more until a majority is level 60.

Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:40 am
by riq and snog
So u cba to lvl but plan to hit rank 14?...
Lsince u are not in school anymore id suggest u do pve in a casual guild.
Thers no rush for 60 and no better side due to the big population here.
Every guild here will do pve dont worry about that.
Find someone with your lvling speed and simillar log times and enjoy yourself.

Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 9:52 am
by Astixium
Leveling is clearly not for you, but you can do it since leveling is not hard, it just takes efficiency. You will find a raiding guild easier than hitting r10 not even r14 with your playtime, you need a minimum of 6 hours of pvp EVERY day to have chance to it. You don't need raiding gear to be effective in PvP and you don't have the time to do it either, it will take you like 3 months to hit 60, 3 months to get some gear and then the great PvP days will start, 3 months later the server will either be dead or you will be r9/10.

TL;DR Just play the game, download Vanilla Guide is just grind your way to 60 which is also very effective and hop in to PvP!

Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:30 am
by Jackyy
i just read the complete post.

since when is rank 10 gear + BG rep items not enough gear to grind from 11-14?

this is not feenix where everyone has full t3.

Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:07 am
by Tekko
Levelling sucks in vanilla, just so boring and slow.

Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:32 am
by Jackyy
Tekko wrote:Levelling sucks in vanilla, just so boring and slow.

Why are you here?

Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:34 am
by Szabinger
Because of what's after the boring and slow leveling.

Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:53 pm
by Tekko
Jackyy wrote:Why are you here?

Szabinger wrote:Because of what's after the boring and slow leveling.

It was a rather stupid question.