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Mining on Nostalrius

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:12 am
by Noxx
Wonder if someone could tell me a good place to find:

Silver nodes
Iron nodes
Mithril nodes

Re: Mining on Nostalrius

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:32 pm
by Rince

PS: On a serious note, look for the mine nodes on any respectable 1.12 database, it will show you locations per zone.

Re: Mining on Nostalrius

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:49 pm
by draxxus
Tons of iron and a little bit of mithril in badlands

Re: Mining on Nostalrius

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:20 pm
by Solmyr
Silver: Ashenvale, northwest of Splintertree post, along the river. Also near the bear cave near the road junction.

Iron: Literally everywhere, but if you want to focus, 1k needles - harpy cave and wyvern perch.

Mithril: Again, many places have abundant veins, personally I found a lot around the bug cave in Shimmering Flats.

Disclaimer: None of these spots are Blizzlike[citation needed], the amount of spawned veins at once is (used to last I checked) be much higher than intended. If that bothers you, do not mine them ;). Also, for the record, I haven't mined them ever for those reasons :P.

P.S. If fishing for exploits to fix, it's not subtle enough :).

Re: Mining on Nostalrius

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:19 pm
by biffsteken
Badlands is pretty good for both iron and mithril iirc, it's a good transition zone.

Re: Mining on Nostalrius

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:41 am
by Xylon666Darkstar
Silver can be found wherever you find tin in abundance. So, likely redridge caves, westfall caves, if you dont want to trek everywhere in ashenvale. If memory serves of vanilla WoW (dunno if that remains the same here).

Badlands is indeed best for iron + mithril. 1k Needles shimmering flats + Tanaris both good for mithril. Arathi Highlands good for iron/tin with a dashing of mithril (again, if same as vanilla WoW).