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Carless banning

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:06 am
by Leyf
I'm seeing a disturbing trend which can, and if not addressed, will put a hole in the Nostralius population. Go read the Support threads about being ban and fixing bugs. Go on, ill give you a second..

Nothing is being addressed. There are countless ban appeals with no responses, no attention. Some people are even posting irrefutable proof that they did not break a rule, but the bans remained. There are even more unaddressed bug reports. Even a simple, "we found the issue and are currently working to fix it." Would be awesome! But no... We get nothing.

Not only is the Administration silent, but the community is even worse. Everyone is guilty. Yes you, reading this, you're guilty and can be ban. Why? I don't know.

No matter who says what, they're guilty. The community and GMs find it easier to believe that you're cheating than actually playing with your friend.

You do NOT have a brother. You're dual boxing.
You don't have friends, those are your alt accounts.
Your story doesn't matter. They don't care.

This can't continue you guys. This server is a work of art, but if issues this serious can't be handled even remotely well, the server WILL die faster than it needs to!

Im not speaking out of my ass. I have a decent background in server administration and community care. I want to see these issues being addressed as professionally as the server was programmed. I hope this thread can spark actual discussion into the issue. If you've come here to shitpost, please reconsider.

Thank you

Re: Carless banning

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:13 am
Agreed, just go over to the support section and you will see.
This is exactly what feenix did, they ended up banning half the server then eventually no body is left to play because their all banned.
The current GMs(some, not all) are total nazi-tier atm and I would hope the admins or whoever picks and chooses the GM's will get on them and possibly remove some from having GM power, because honestly this mass perma banning for little things is not healthy for the server.

Re: Carless banning

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:24 am
by Leyf
OGTUCKER117 wrote:Agreed, just go over to the support section and you will see.
This is exactly what feenix did, they ended up banning half the server then eventually no body is left to play because their all banned.
The current GMs(some, not all) are total nazi-tier atm and I would hope the admins or whoever picks and chooses the GM's will get on them and possibly remove some from having GM power, because honestly this mass perma banning for little things is not healthy for the server.

Im really glad other people notice this too, and I agree, some GMs are absolutely proving themselves, while a handful need to go. This Assumption Banning is very scary to a community. The best way to control administration is to not only hand pick those who can properly represent your server, but to be strict as well when it comes the GMs expected guidelines.

I am getting involved in this because i now personally know someone who has been affected by the carelessness.

Re: Carless banning

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:38 am
by Scamp
A lot of these things seem like they should be met with a warning first, not an insta-perma-ban.. Especailly for things like (apparently) playing 2 characters at once.

Warnings "spread awareness," instabans just make people quit.

Re: Carless banning

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:57 am
by Leyf
Scamp wrote:A lot of these things seem like they should be met with a warning first, not an insta-perma-ban.. Especailly for things like (apparently) playing 2 characters at once.

Warnings "spread awareness," instabans just make people quit.

This is a very good point! A warning, even against an innocent player, is a massive relief and it gives them an opportunity to think about why they received the warning.

"Shoot, I got a warning about botting because I'm grinding too much. Guess ill start learning Alchemy now to space out my time."

Re: Carless banning

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:00 am
by Pallysir
This is an insane problem atm, needs to be addressed asap.

Re: Carless banning

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:08 am
Pallysir wrote:This is an insane problem atm, needs to be addressed asap.

this, it needs to be addressed by the administrators seeing as how they are the ones who choose the GM's.
as i said in my post above, this is NOT healthy at all for the server

Re: Carless banning

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:14 am
by rotten
DONT CHEAT AND YOU WONT GET BANNED. The GMs don't ban ppl for no reason. Maybe they are tired to explaining WHY to all these ban appeal threads. it is SIMPLE. YOU GOT CAUGHT BREAKING THE TOS. MOVE ON!

Re: Carless banning

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:22 am
by Membraniac
I agree with rotten. Lots of babies crying about rules being enforces. LOL reroll noobs.

Re: Carless banning

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:22 am
by Kleigon
This server's biggest problem is the lack of communication from the devs. They have been horrible about it so far. It will come back to bite them in their collective asses if they don't start correcting it, and soon.