by TheGreyMouser » Sun Oct 11, 2015 5:08 pm
I spent 30 minutes swimming and diving and swimming and diving last night (no potions) and found 1 clam with nothing but clam meat. Today I used a potion, spent another 30 minutes swimming all over the zone, found the exact same clam in the exact same spot and got the exact same clam meat. Don't even bother with this quest or chain, at 1-2 gold per potion and 2 potions per hour, it is not worth the gold or the time investment for the xp. You are much better off skipping this one and doing 4 different ones in that unproductive hour. This says it is a group quest, can you imagine going with a party of 5 and waiting 15 minutes per person for a MAYBE on ONE clam? If there are more here, in over an hour, I haven't seen them.
I did this quest in retail in the BC expack, it took 15 minutes. With the number of people on this server, these clams should have a respawn timer of not more than 1 minute. Go in, get clams, get out. There are level 35-37 elites to deal with as well, which makes the quest challenging enough, without an ungodly long respawn timer on a very limited number of quest nodes (aka clams)
Not only that... there is a fatigue zone RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE where the quest is, that entire long blue trench causes fatigue, so watch out for that too!
Again, this quest, as it is now, is NOT worth doing.