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My first impression

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:23 pm
by Yapper
Hey everyone,

I saw this website popping up today in another private server's forum. After seeing some videos and reading some forum posts, I'm really currious about this project.

One thing that did bothered me was the lack of information. I had to dive into the forums and the facebook page to find out what the status of the development was. From my understandings, everything is complete but you're only waiting for enough people to subscribe to have a good launch?

This is something which has to be more clear. Some sort of subscriber counter on the home page would be great. So that people see a progress to it and the network of people will do more effort to find more players to subcribe.

Also, the website lacks many things. I'm missing information pages, a professional layout, server information, etc.

The current goal is to make advertising. But I don't see any guidence on the website. There should be links, videos, certain actions, etc that people can one-click to share. You could even put up a competition with assignments related to the advertising. Also, show the community that advertising is happening. For example; go with 100 people to the Feenix server and spam about this project in all the major cities. Make a video about it and people will share it if it's edited nicely.

How do people think about this? As a new user, this is my first impression.


Re: My first impression

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:19 pm
by apollan
For example; go with 100 people to the Feenix server and spam about this project in all the major cities.

No, no, no, and no. Seriously? Reading that makes your entire post not worthy of considering. I do agree that more information is needed, but going to other servers and spamming? This isn't just some project started by a 14 year old and his brother. All that will do is undermine our community here and others' impression of this server.

Re: My first impression

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:38 pm
by Hatson
Yapper wrote:For example; go with 100 people to the Feenix server and spam about this project in all the major cities. Make a video about it and people will share it if it's edited nicely.

How do people think about this? As a new user, this is my first impression.

This is a very scary idea, Yapper. I'm sure everyone here would like more advertisement for this server. That's a given. But that is not the way to go about it. You'll attract a lot of bad seeds by spamming Feenix servers... Trust me. I know there will always be bad seeds in all communities, no matter how small. But that's not a grand idea.

There are definitely better ways to go around advertising, I can't name any on top of my head besides what has already been mentioned here on the forums. But I'm sure with time it will happen.

Re: My first impression

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:54 pm
by Drain
Thank you for your interest in Nostalrius. From what I see, no, it's not quite finished yet, that's why it continues to get update videos. If they had the game perfectly working 100% right now, I doubt they would be sitting around twiddling their thumbs waiting for enough players to look at it. They probably already have what is a decent enough starting population, but want to continue improving the server while their following grows rather than open it early. Regarding the forum quality, well, I don't think it's even been up a week yet, give it some time. Their first concern was probably just getting a forum active during development. There's plenty of time to make it more fancy later.

I'm not surprised that this forum is or will be linked on other forums; all of these servers talk about each other. Seeing it mentioned on Corecraft or Kronos is how I first found out about Nostalrius. There shouldn't be anything wrong with talking about other servers, as long as you're letting(not telling) the players which one they should be playing on. Regarding videos, they have a Youtube with videos on it. Regarding your suggestion to deliberately spam another server; that's disrespectful and unethical. They can't stop you from doing that sort of thing yourself, but they should not encourage or advocate it.

Re: My first impression

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:08 pm
by Sélenne
Yapper wrote:For example; go with 100 people to the Feenix server and spam about this project in all the major cities.

The best way to give a bad reputation to the server..