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Welcome to Auschwitz Begins

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 3:48 pm
by macgarthur3
Going to start off saying I had huge hopes for this sever, seemed like it was what everyone was looking for. Unfortunately in just over a month the staff have absolutely ruined this server and continue to drive away their players. I start off this tale of a level 34 priest grinding Yeti's in the Alterac Mountains. I'm minding my own business killing, when suddenly my mobs start to instantly die a second before I can get a spell cast on them, this happens for a few minutes so I stop and in /say say "wtf", followed by "is that a GM doing this? if so please PM me". Thought maybe it was a GM doing something but I got no response, nothing, so I went about my day. Everything is just fine for another hour or so and it starts happening again, since I got no reply the first time I just run past the mobs that seem bugged and keep farming. 2 minutes of this and I'm instantly killed, teleported to GM island and disconnected. Try to log in and it says I'm banned. This is where the real story begins.

I make a post on the forums asking why this happened and posted the information given above. Raazi tells me that I was banned for botting and not to lie. He then locks the topic so I cannot ask any more questions. On another account I make an in game ticket and get Cantrip, who tells me I was banned for being unresponsive. I ask how I was unresponsive and Cantrip tells me they don't know exactly how, but a senior GM had been investigating me for several days and deemed me to be unresponsive, which was why I was banned. This doesn't make sense since I answer every whisper I get (regardless of how stupid sometimes lol) and I was at the computer, no whispers or any other messages came in, how was I unresponsive? At the same time I explain I play WoW with a gameplad rather than the traditional keyboard/mouse as well as use click to move and was wondering if that had something to do with it. Maybe a GM saw my movements, which don't look the same as someone using a keyboard and mouse and assumed since I walked different, I must be a bot. Cantrip told me it's not possible to play WoW with a gamepad and to stop lying. It took another few minutes to give Cantrip a few links to show it's entirely possible and many people do it. Cantrip replied telling me it didn't matter, I was still banned for being unresponsive, and then put me on ignore.

I take to the forums again because this is clearly a mistake I just want corrected. Not angry at anyone, and the entire time I have been more professional than any of your staff. So anyways I make another post "Banned for using a gamepad" which reached over 1500 views and sat on the forums for over 2 weeks before a staff member would even acknowledge it existed. (I should note that after making this forum post, my IP was placed on some sort of lock, so I cannot post to the forums without moderator approval. I thought this was only on my account, but realized it was on my IP when I tried to make a second forum account. I had to use a VPN just to post this as they are doing everything they can to bury this issue and make sure nobody sees it.)

So 1500 views and over 2 weeks later Life takes a look at the issue. I want to say thank you to Life, who was the only staff member who would actually look at this issue, was the only staff member who presented themself in a professional manner, and the only staff member who appeared to care at all about the server. So Life investigates the issue and it turns out that 3 GMs apparently investigated me and deemed I was a bot because I turned too quickly and targeted mobs too quickly. They do not contest that I was physically at the computer, but say I was botting anyways. I'll remind you I was playing a level 34 priest, I go out of mana just looking at a mob. I have to take time between fights to drink for mana, loot the mob, answer whispers and also talk in guild chat which I was an officer of. Yet somehow they felt that I turned too quickly, or targeted mobs too fast and that made me a bot. Couldn't have anything to do with being on a server with over 6000 players and trying to farm efficiently or anything. So I ask Life to investigate further, since turning quickly and targeting mobs too quickly isn't against the rules, it's also very subjective.

One week goes by and I cannot get a response from Life. Several additional PM's were sent asking for an update but all were ignored. Today I finally get a reply back from String, saying they have looked at my appeal and I'm still banned.

So just to clarify this series of events:
1) Staff banned me without notice, on a whim, no whisper or anything sent. They agree I was physically at the computer, but still argue that I was botting. So they're saying I sat there for several hours staring at a screen watching a bot play the game for me instead of actually playing. Bots are so people can play afk, if they were going to sit there in front of the computer botting is pointless, they would just play the game which is exactly what I was doing.
2) Nostalrius can't keep their story straight. First it's botting, then I'm unresponsive, then it's botting again, then it's because I turn too quickly and/or target mobs too quickly. My story has never changed, your story changes with every new person I speak to. If turning fast or targeting mobs fast is a bannable offense then almost the entire server will be banned. Also if this is allowed to be a bannable offense, who determines what is "too fast"? How many other innocent players will be banned because an uninformed staff member thought they "looked like a bot" but didn't properly investigate?
3) Nostalrious seems to have an issue with staff as they have a revolving door of new GMs every day. Obviously GMs who are no longer with Nostalrius are no longer there for a specific reason. If they weren't fit to do the job, then they probably weren't fit to make the decisions they made.
4) Bottom line was that I was banned for using a gamepad/click to move, which is different than 90% of the server population. The staff didn't even know this was possible to do until I showed them (I don't believe the majority of staff have ever played Vanilla WoW, I made a ticket the other day when people were kiting Stitches to Goldshire killing new players, the GM told me Stitches was meant to attack Goldshire. Darkshire man! Not Goldshire!). I have offered up enough evidence to show I didn't do anything wrong and that the staff skipped steps in banning me. You made a mistake, it's easier to man up and fix that mistake that to just keep pretending it doesn't exist. Going as far as to block my entire IP from the forums so I can't bring this situation to light just shows how crooked the staff are and what lengths they will go to hide issues. Who knows what else they're hiding away.

I know many of you will say I'm wrong somehow or that I'm lying, but I have screenshots of everything to show. There are far too many bans going on with zero evidence, merely "I think you are doing something wrong, so you are 100% guilty" attitude, meanwhile actual hackers, cheaters and exploiters are running around free. I fully support Nostalrius in removing cheaters/hackers/bots from the community which is why I report every one that I see, however you are banning innocent people and pushing players away. Right now you have the numbers so you're not worried in your ivory tower, however when you've banned too many innocent people, and the ones who aren't banned leave for greener pastures, what will you do then?

P.S. Thank you everyone for your support. I continue to try and get this sorted out, not for my priest I don't really care, but for my other characters that I'm now playing and for other players. I don't want to see other people put work into this server and their character just to be banned because the GM of the day has to meet his ban quota.