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List of usable Macros anywhere?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:01 pm
by Hubris
I understand many macros are different, but I haven't found many I'm familiar with that actually work.

Specifically what I'm trying to find is a cancel buff macro, to cancel bear or cat form. Want to follow it up with a /cast command to take me out of shapeshift and cast a spell, since druids can't queue a spell to cast while shapeshifted now.

Also I'm trying to find an "/attackstart" macro that will turn on auto attack but not turn it off if continuously pressed.

Is there a list of usable macros somewhere?

Re: List of usable Macros anywhere?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:09 pm

Re: List of usable Macros anywhere?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:43 pm
by bgfds
/run if not AtkSpell then for AtkSlot = 1,72 do if IsAttackAction(AtkSlot) then AtkSpell = AtkSlot;end;end;end; if not IsCurrentAction(AtkSpell) then UseAction(AtkSpell);end;

put attack button on the 12th button on the action bar above the main bar

u need supermacro to cancel buffs

/unbuff name with supermacro

Re: List of usable Macros anywhere?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:25 am
by Kleigon
bgfds wrote:/run if not AtkSpell then for AtkSlot = 1,72 do if IsAttackAction(AtkSlot) then AtkSpell = AtkSlot;end;end;end; if not IsCurrentAction(AtkSpell) then UseAction(AtkSpell);end;

put attack button on the 12th button on the action bar above the main bar

What exactly does that do?

Edit: looking it over again, that looks like an endless loop attack, possibly for a botter(?).