Staff/gms/devs read please

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Staff/gms/devs read please

by Regnam1 » Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:18 am

Ok lets get to bsns guys.

First of all its about these banns that are handed out to people ive read some which is complete bullshit from staff stand point and some are deserved but some are just completly bullshit.

Oi got banned for looting to many alcor sunrazor when it was bugged he was banned ye?

But were is the bann on the rest that abused this bug? .. NO WERE CUZ U PLAY FAVORISM

Were is the banns on abusing raid id resets *points finger at -> RD/GRIZZLY/NOPE* because they are the major abusers in this case

Also Grizzly having a gm in their guild which is kinda obvious with the favortism that is given to them and the free pass to exploit shit u can call it bs but ive seen it before.

All the toxic bs grizzly is doing and yet not banned is also proof that this server is shit which allows people like them here.

Also were is the mass banns on the abusing a bugged ragnaros? (atleast take away the tier 2 items that drops)

And there is lots more bullshit going on in this server that needs fixin instead of being fixated on small matters staff fix the big problems first.

This server is feenix v2.0 just little more players and more toxic players.

If i wanted to play on a server for pop i would on retail .
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Re: Staff/gms/devs read please

by Xylon666Darkstar » Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:24 am

Then do so on retail? Unfortunately, it's their server, their rules, and there will always be the toxic bias whether any of us like it or not. Little can be done when the devs assign who they feel deserves the GM position and abuse it.
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Re: Staff/gms/devs read please

by redeemer22k » Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:53 am

Banning levling characters for minor offenses, and then keeping 60`s for bigger offenses. I can see the logical clearly tho "we dont want to upsett the big guilds.".

Still tho, its a sad day for me. I`v been levling 4 characters on Nostalrius, 2 ally`s and 2 horde. All are between 20-45, iv never "grinded" with two characters at once, but i have them logged inn for proffs, AH, flightspath running etc. And when i logged inn today, my higest level character was banned. No warning, no msg, no nothing, i just went from my computer last night. And today, voila!

What does this entail for me. In a period with exams, school assignment, work, taking out the dog, be with GF, play with the Band, and still trying to get to Endgame with something i really love.
Is not doable time wise anymore, 3 weeks left of before my exams and im not levling another character again, or just continuing with my 3..

If 15 days of ingame playable time, can be wiped by an admin within seconds, there is a huge issue with this server. For me 15 days of ingame time actually has a monetary value of 8382, euroes. Id rather work and buy myself 4 60`s at this point, since it will be a cheaper end resault. AND characters WILL be sold, there is nothing leadership can do about this fact, they dont own the emails keyed to the accounts. Same argument does typical private server use against Blizzard, "its not illegal to host private servers in the respective country wer hosting" / even thos most dev`s , owners etc, does NOT live in the country they are refering to. (Reference piratebay scheme, making arguments atop phallacy, is still phallacy).

Well then, its not illegal to use bots in my country, and your not above our law, so i can bot then? If im catching you Dichotomy right here.

So im asking the leadership in this thread; How you can create a server in SPITE of the rules, and make people follow your rules, when they are based upon a state of Non-rules?

Your argument would be a phallacy tho, it would be based upon "your invited to play," or "your a guest at our server".

Well the same argument is in blizzards eula, and now your defying blizzard by copying blizzard? And adhering to laws in blizzard eula, by breaking them?

You cannot uphold, since the basis of playing on this server is to break those exact laws.

My point is, when a thief tells me that im theiving, im laughing.

Im a Thief and proud of it, im a hack and proud of it, i can at times be an asshole when my patience is up, but im fucking proud of that to. But atleast, im not an hypocrite.

So my advice to you, as i leave this place and playground GM`S. Be more concerned with the development of your level 60 population, than the minor defects of your levling population. You dont throw away, newly grown apples, when the old apples are smelly and allready rotting.

Re: Staff/gms/devs read please

by Rince » Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:02 am

ye go play retail, you seem like a casual

JK ur broke


Re: Staff/gms/devs read please

by detached » Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:17 pm

redeemer22k wrote:Banning levling characters for minor offenses, and then keeping 60`s for bigger offenses. I can see the logical clearly tho "we dont want to upsett the big guilds.".

Still tho, its a sad day for me. I`v been levling 4 characters on Nostalrius, 2 ally`s and 2 horde. All are between 20-45, iv never "grinded" with two characters at once, but i have them logged inn for proffs, AH, flightspath running etc. And when i logged inn today, my higest level character was banned. No warning, no msg, no nothing, i just went from my computer last night. And today, voila!

What does this entail for me. In a period with exams, school assignment, work, taking out the dog, be with GF, play with the Band, and still trying to get to Endgame with something i really love.
Is not doable time wise anymore, 3 weeks left of before my exams and im not levling another character again, or just continuing with my 3..

If 15 days of ingame playable time, can be wiped by an admin within seconds, there is a huge issue with this server. For me 15 days of ingame time actually has a monetary value of 8382, euroes. Id rather work and buy myself 4 60`s at this point, since it will be a cheaper end resault. AND characters WILL be sold, there is nothing leadership can do about this fact, they dont own the emails keyed to the accounts. Same argument does typical private server use against Blizzard, "its not illegal to host private servers in the respective country wer hosting" / even thos most dev`s , owners etc, does NOT live in the country they are refering to. (Reference piratebay scheme, making arguments atop phallacy, is still phallacy).

Well then, its not illegal to use bots in my country, and your not above our law, so i can bot then? If im catching you Dichotomy right here.

So im asking the leadership in this thread; How you can create a server in SPITE of the rules, and make people follow your rules, when they are based upon a state of Non-rules?

Your argument would be a phallacy tho, it would be based upon "your invited to play," or "your a guest at our server".

Well the same argument is in blizzards eula, and now your defying blizzard by copying blizzard? And adhering to laws in blizzard eula, by breaking them?

You cannot uphold, since the basis of playing on this server is to break those exact laws.

My point is, when a thief tells me that im theiving, im laughing.

Im a Thief and proud of it, im a hack and proud of it, i can at times be an asshole when my patience is up, but im fucking proud of that to. But atleast, im not an hypocrite.

So my advice to you, as i leave this place and playground GM`S. Be more concerned with the development of your level 60 population, than the minor defects of your levling population. You dont throw away, newly grown apples, when the old apples are smelly and allready rotting.


I bet the OP would think you were unjustly banned atleast, you should PM him for some compassion.

Re: Staff/gms/devs read please

by OGTUCKER117 » Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:37 pm

Rince wrote:ye go play retail, you seem like a casual

JK ur broke


Great post, just ignore any serious issues and make a joke.
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Re: Staff/gms/devs read please

by redeemer22k » Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:45 pm

I think you fail the see the point, im not talking just subjectivly, if i were, it would be NP. I would be a sole case, in a regular week, but i am not. Thats the problem, and thats whats affecting the community.

Some people say it dont matter, but ironicly, NOST is down 1k population compared to last day in same time period. And emerald dream have had its higest population point since Nost was released today.

This will balance itself out tho, some people`s feelings are just hurt for now, but some will never return.

Aswell, if you read the rules and guidlines, i think racist remarks on worldchat is more harmfull than ingame abuses, ingame abuses abuse the game. Racisme abuse real people. *shrug*

But as mentioned, this is a "private blizzlike server", wich is a phallachy, its neither private, or neither blizzlike, you cant call a thing thats dependt on hundreds of people logging inn for private. Atleast, thats the definition in my country ;) (when you take something private, and turn it commercial, itss by definition; a service). And GM`S are providing service`s, eksample; Reactivate accounts, check out scammers, cheaters etc. Thos are all services we are promised as part of this "packaged" called nostalrius.

So back to basics, the definition upon wich private servers are run, are the real reason for their struggling. Trying to make a system based on stealing, and not beeing a hypocrite at the same time is kinda flawed in itself. So please, when i get that "holier than thou" speeech, dont raise a question mark when i puke all over yer face.

If i spent my ingame (already spent on nost) time on DDOS attacks, i could keep this server under constant attack for almost 3 months. And this, is something that happend to feenix (just ask em), disgruntled gamers, can be tricky. Simple math to do tho ;) When some have already done it.

So im trying to sum it up;

If you want to burn bridges as you cross them, keep up your ban spree, but at some point, you would ban a person with enough cash and the mindsett of osama bin ladan, and within 1-2 months of ddos attacks and server instability, you will be reduced in population. This has happend to 3+ private servers running vanilla that iv tried out myself, all of them attacked by previous disgruntled players.

Re: Staff/gms/devs read please

by Orcduck » Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:01 pm

redeemer22k wrote:I think you fail the see the point, im not talking just subjectivly, if i were, it would be NP. I would be a sole case, in a regular week, but i am not. Thats the problem, and thats whats affecting the community.

Some people say it dont matter, but ironicly, NOST is down 1k population compared to last day in same time period. And emerald dream have had its higest population point since Nost was released today.

Yes, I've been following the Feenix Census for weeks now and it had 600 people at its ""peak"" yesterday, and for the past 3 weeks its had 500-550 ppl at its peak.

Don't exaggerate when there's no point. Note Feenix barely improved after it released Kelthuzad on Warsong and AQ20 on ED.
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Re: Staff/gms/devs read please

by Orcduck » Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:06 pm

redeemer22k wrote:Banning levling characters for minor offenses, and then keeping 60`s for bigger offenses. I can see the logical clearly tho "we dont want to upsett the big guilds.".

Well then, its not illegal to use bots in my country, and your not above our law, so i can bot then? If im catching you Dichotomy right here.

So im asking the leadership in this thread; How you can create a server in SPITE of the rules, and make people follow your rules, when they are based upon a state of Non-rules?

Your argument would be a phallacy tho, it would be based upon "your invited to play," or "your a guest at our server".

Well the same argument is in blizzards eula, and now your defying blizzard by copying blizzard? And adhering to laws in blizzard eula, by breaking them?


Youre thinking way too much into this.

A WoW private server doesnt have to give a single fuck about what Blizzard's rules are.... it should try to follow them but it doesnt have to follow them 100%.

In your case, it seems you were multiboxing. And also seems you're willing to use bots. Is it so hard to play and in accordance to the rules? And don't bring your country's laws into this, because they are irrelevant to what a private server can say it allows or not.

I'm sorry your ignorance got your highest char banned, because you somehow couldn't pick up on the countless warnings not to multibox.
Last edited by Orcduck on Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Staff/gms/devs read please

by Zyfire » Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:08 pm

redeemer22k wrote:Banning levling characters for minor offenses, and then keeping 60`s for bigger offenses. I can see the logical clearly tho "we dont want to upsett the big guilds.".

Still tho, its a sad day for me. I`v been levling 4 characters on Nostalrius, 2 ally`s and 2 horde. All are between 20-45, iv never "grinded" with two characters at once, but i have them logged inn for proffs, AH, flightspath running etc. And when i logged inn today, my higest level character was banned. No warning, no msg, no nothing, i just went from my computer last night. And today, voila!

What does this entail for me. In a period with exams, school assignment, work, taking out the dog, be with GF, play with the Band, and still trying to get to Endgame with something i really love.
Is not doable time wise anymore, 3 weeks left of before my exams and im not levling another character again, or just continuing with my 3..

If 15 days of ingame playable time, can be wiped by an admin within seconds, there is a huge issue with this server. For me 15 days of ingame time actually has a monetary value of 8382, euroes. Id rather work and buy myself 4 60`s at this point, since it will be a cheaper end resault. AND characters WILL be sold, there is nothing leadership can do about this fact, they dont own the emails keyed to the accounts. Same argument does typical private server use against Blizzard, "its not illegal to host private servers in the respective country wer hosting" / even thos most dev`s , owners etc, does NOT live in the country they are refering to. (Reference piratebay scheme, making arguments atop phallacy, is still phallacy).

Well then, its not illegal to use bots in my country, and your not above our law, so i can bot then? If im catching you Dichotomy right here.

So im asking the leadership in this thread; How you can create a server in SPITE of the rules, and make people follow your rules, when they are based upon a state of Non-rules?

Your argument would be a phallacy tho, it would be based upon "your invited to play," or "your a guest at our server".

Well the same argument is in blizzards eula, and now your defying blizzard by copying blizzard? And adhering to laws in blizzard eula, by breaking them?

You cannot uphold, since the basis of playing on this server is to break those exact laws.

My point is, when a thief tells me that im theiving, im laughing.

Im a Thief and proud of it, im a hack and proud of it, i can at times be an asshole when my patience is up, but im fucking proud of that to. But atleast, im not an hypocrite.

So my advice to you, as i leave this place and playground GM`S. Be more concerned with the development of your level 60 population, than the minor defects of your levling population. You dont throw away, newly grown apples, when the old apples are smelly and allready rotting.

So what you wanted said with this post is; Because they're hosting an illegal server, they can't have rules and everyone should be allowed to do whatever the fuck he pleases? Please just leave already.

Knight Zyfire - Lvl 60 Mage <Flashback>
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