Staff/gms/devs read please
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:18 am
Ok lets get to bsns guys.
First of all its about these banns that are handed out to people ive read some which is complete bullshit from staff stand point and some are deserved but some are just completly bullshit.
Oi got banned for looting to many alcor sunrazor when it was bugged he was banned ye?
But were is the bann on the rest that abused this bug? .. NO WERE CUZ U PLAY FAVORISM
Were is the banns on abusing raid id resets *points finger at -> RD/GRIZZLY/NOPE* because they are the major abusers in this case
Also Grizzly having a gm in their guild which is kinda obvious with the favortism that is given to them and the free pass to exploit shit u can call it bs but ive seen it before.
All the toxic bs grizzly is doing and yet not banned is also proof that this server is shit which allows people like them here.
Also were is the mass banns on the abusing a bugged ragnaros? (atleast take away the tier 2 items that drops)
And there is lots more bullshit going on in this server that needs fixin instead of being fixated on small matters staff fix the big problems first.
This server is feenix v2.0 just little more players and more toxic players.
If i wanted to play on a server for pop i would on retail .
First of all its about these banns that are handed out to people ive read some which is complete bullshit from staff stand point and some are deserved but some are just completly bullshit.
Oi got banned for looting to many alcor sunrazor when it was bugged he was banned ye?
But were is the bann on the rest that abused this bug? .. NO WERE CUZ U PLAY FAVORISM
Were is the banns on abusing raid id resets *points finger at -> RD/GRIZZLY/NOPE* because they are the major abusers in this case
Also Grizzly having a gm in their guild which is kinda obvious with the favortism that is given to them and the free pass to exploit shit u can call it bs but ive seen it before.
All the toxic bs grizzly is doing and yet not banned is also proof that this server is shit which allows people like them here.
Also were is the mass banns on the abusing a bugged ragnaros? (atleast take away the tier 2 items that drops)
And there is lots more bullshit going on in this server that needs fixin instead of being fixated on small matters staff fix the big problems first.
This server is feenix v2.0 just little more players and more toxic players.
If i wanted to play on a server for pop i would on retail .