Help finding a quest! Manhunt, James Clark

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Help finding a quest! Manhunt, James Clark

by exiltude » Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:25 pm

Hey, I'm new to vanilla and I know that there is a low level quest, level 10 to be exactly in Elwynn Forest.

But I don't know where to find the quest giver, can some1 help me out?


Re: Help finding a quest! Manhunt, James Clark

by Ourk » Fri Apr 10, 2015 3:16 pm


James Clark was involved in a warrior quest (lvl 10 if i remember correctly). This quest was removed prior to the actual Nostal patch (1.12.1). James Clark dropped a key opening a chest in a gnoll house located north of Stone Cairne Lake, in Elwynn Forest.
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