I've chosen to pitch my situation to the forum in order to try and obtain useful information regarding it from anyone who wishes to input.
I started playing on this server roughly 3 weeks after release and I had a blast levelling. The population, working scripts and lack of frequent disconnects (in my experience, I'm aware that some players have had a worse time involving DC's and rollbacks) have all impressed me enough to want to keep playing. I've gotten to level 26 on my Priest.
However, as the title suggests, I am in a situation where I feel there may be no reason to carry on committing.
I recently took a vacation for 3 weeks and don't return home until 14/04. Upon return I have a few weeks until my exam period begins so little time will be available to invest in the game. This ends on 07/05. My question is, due to the progressive nature of the server, is there much point in striving for current end-game content? Or will I be left behind due to the advancing timeline?
I ask this because by the time I'm able to dedicate more time to the game, the server will most likely be close to releasing BWL and other content with it. By the time I hit 60, who knows where we will be with the timeline?
I appreciate any and all constructive feedback and thank anyone who took the time to read my little story
Peace be with you.