Guilds Lists extra?

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Guilds Lists extra?

by Brian » Sun Apr 12, 2015 1:27 pm

Can we have like in alliance guild headquarters and same for horde a sticky with the all of the currently raiding guilds?

like the information that needs to be posted in there also for a guild like:

Raid Timezone: ( EU / NA / or maybe the Servertime Raid hours )
GM/Officers: (this speaks for itself)
Website: (Website of the guild)
Loot Distribution: ( Roll / DKP / or whatever)
Raid Schedule: ( Days the guild raids)

this would be so usefull for ppl looking after a Raidguild if something like this was made.

like for me i searching atm for a nice raidguild. tho i want to know the raiddays and aprox hours they raid.

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