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Nostalrius on Reddit

PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:49 pm
by James Goblin
I made Nostalrius Begins introductory thread on Reddit Vanilla WoW Server - ... ow_server/

I am not sure whether info I gave is 100% accurate (for example, someone mentioned 3 000+ subscribers here, but I saw no official numbers) or complete - if you see anything wrong or anything important that I forgot to mention, feel free to say it or go there and add it personally.

PS in case you post there, please let´s try our best in order to avoid this becoming another ˝Nostalrius or Kronos?˝ thread :mrgreen:

Re: Nostalrius on Reddit

PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:27 pm
by Nemz
Thanks to share this server and our videos on reddit <3
I hope that this will do good advertising!

Re: Nostalrius on Reddit

PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:55 pm
by James Goblin
The idea of linking your videos was to show newcomers that we are not just another random server, but one with history. As a side effect, you are becoming internationally famous ;)

PS I re - posted thread to Reddit WoW Servers - ... ow_server/ , as someone in comments suggested to me. And indeed, the traffic/visibility is much higher there. We already have comments such as ˝Doubt this will peak 200 players˝ :mrgreen:

Re: Nostalrius on Reddit

PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:21 pm
by ThatsthePuzzle
The comments on wowservers are always horrendous, it's a subreddit full of people downvoting servers they don't play on. That said, I'm upvoting all I can, captain!

Re: Nostalrius on Reddit

PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:40 pm
by kovenant
its always on those sites and especially reddit.

wait till the server is online, and dont expect a huge amount of players in the first days / weeks.
the crowd must get familiar with the server and then the players will arrive.
i don't think alot of player will transfer from one server to another except if they bring their friends or guild with them since thats what they will leave behind in most cases.

slowly over time it will grow, it just takes time :)

im sure the fanbase will be more steady and longer lasting then most of the famous private servers.
development, and adjusting is key to survival.

Re: Nostalrius on Reddit

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:55 am
by Crono
So apparently there is an upvote/downvote war going on between Nost and "that" other server.

Ah reddit, you bring me smiles.

Did I win the internet today?

Re: Nostalrius on Reddit

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:06 am
by Cornholi
From the comments? I don't see it.

Re: Nostalrius on Reddit

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:10 am
by Crono
Cornholi wrote:From the comments? I don't see it.

In the WowServers page, not on the subreddit

Re: Nostalrius on Reddit

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:24 pm
by James Goblin
So far, both in previously linked ones and in new thread ... _starting/ we don´t seem to have much downvoting problems (well, at least compared to what I expected to happen). Furthermore, I am pleasantly surprised with state of discussion overall :)

In my opinion, upvotes and downvotes are not so crucial. For example, if I was trying to find out something about new server, I would be much more interested to check the discussion itself and given links, since up/downvotes can be manipulated in numerous ways. What would annoy me, as potential new player, and make me leave are flamewars and low level of discussion in general.

So please don´t (over)react on provocations, having in mind that some of our competitors would enjoy seeing these threads degenerating into endless arguing/flaming. We will do best to keep our cool and patiently reply to any legitimate question.