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GMs doing world pvp events?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:38 pm
by Simonich
You have referred in one of your announcements that you plan to make some world pvp events.

Im quite interested. Are you really gonna do that? Some people might comment its not blizzlike but in fact, blizzard did make some random special events once in awhile, nostalrius staff should plan them too!!

For example turning 1 zone into a battleground, not like the instanced ones, just adding alliance/horde npcs in areas, could give LOTS of fun in the community! I have specific ideas and examples in mind.

For example, ashenvale, there will be 2 boss-like faction npcs, an alliance one in astranaar, and a horde one in splintertree post for example. And if possible (!) add lvl 20 ashenvale outrunners/warsong grunts and various horde/alliance low lvl alligned npcs to make it feel more like war. And ofcourse announce that this event will last from this to that time.

The zone could also be secret! Like, you will say WHEN will the event happen, but WHERE will be unknown, so people will run to that zone for possible objectives rather be ready for them. You could either restart the server for the event, then announce when it happens, or do not announce at all, both factions will have scouts all over azeroth to see where it happens ^^

The idea sounds crazy, and quite vague, but something like this can be developed to something awesome, something special, something that will make this server the best ever existed.

And ofcourse, there will be no rewards whatsoever, only enjoy the battlefield ^^

I have already been making lots of world pvp raids my self, first one i ever made was a 30man raid to elwynn, i was lvl 5 :D and everyone was lvl 1-10
From all the raids i made, in total now i have 2350 honorable kills, as level 41 (i had 1k+ at lvl 22), and Stone Guard rank :3.

I hope staff will answer to this, at least negatively.
I hope even more that this will be discussed about how it will be made if it is planned to be made ^^