What gear is required to Strat, Scholo, BRS?

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What gear is required to Strat, Scholo, BRS?

by lastnoob » Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:50 am

I recently dinged 60 with my paladin, and would like to go holy. I have 3.8k mana in my random int gear, but will buy some random greenies with int to have more.
What gear is required to heal the instances in the title? Is there a requirement? I dont wanna waste people's and my time either to get to the instance just to figure i will be kicked anyways.
Thanks in advance.

Re: What gear is required to Strat, Scholo, BRS?

by riq and snog » Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:33 am

Jjust get a sufficient mana pool and bring some pots or demonic runes, there is no gear requirement for 5 mans...get a mana pool with green cloth stuff an you are good to go
riq and snog
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Re: What gear is required to Strat, Scholo, BRS?

by lastnoob » Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:18 pm

riq and snog wrote:Jjust get a sufficient mana pool and bring some pots or demonic runes, there is no gear requirement for 5 mans...get a mana pool with green cloth stuff an you are good to go

How much would you say is sufficient for a holy paladin?

Re: What gear is required to Strat, Scholo, BRS?

by Szabinger » Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:27 pm

I think I haven't seen anyone being kicked from a group because of bad gear. Which is surprising, but true. (Remember GearScore in WOTLK? :lol: )
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Re: What gear is required to Strat, Scholo, BRS?

by Arise » Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:20 pm

If you are not completely terrible at your class you can even do these dungeons at lvl 58 with crap gear.
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Re: What gear is required to Strat, Scholo, BRS?

by Hammersplat » Tue Apr 14, 2015 6:21 pm

you could do brd, sunken temple, lbrs or a princess run, to get a bit better gear and get used to healing. Might depend what kind of gear the tank has also for the lvl 60 ones.
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Re: What gear is required to Strat, Scholo, BRS?

by Blackadder » Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:19 pm

UBRS is the only one where things get a bit iffy if the tank / healers are below par. Any combination of good tank - not enough heals / bad tank - good heals can run into problems. But all the 5 mans can be done in off spec / bad gear. don't worry

I have done almost all 5 mans with 4 random people just because one left or didn;t show up and that was never a problem, so if you can go it with one guy missing you can certainly do it with one guy at ; 75% capacity'
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