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Are rogues hardest to gear up?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:37 am
by Orcduck
I've always wanted to play a rogue on Vanilla, but I keep thinking rogues have the heaviest competition for melee DPS gear, and since they're already so many of them, it'll be hard to join raids or dungeons.

Are any of my worries true? Or at least have some degree of truth?

Re: Are rogues hardest to gear up?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:51 am
by Tosicx
Its a 100% true. Rogues are 2nd most chosen class after warriors + a lot of leather items are bis pre-raid for all melee classes. People will tell you to pick what you enjoy playing the most but thats not such a good idea. Pick smart and you will actually get to play instead of searching for a group 2 hours.

Re: Are rogues hardest to gear up?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:18 am
by killshot
Nope its not true. The ''full of rogues status'' has happened already in other private servers too. The expirienced player who can offer good dps will always be welcomed on any guild, 5-man, or a pug.

Gear is not a problem for 2 reasons. 1st is that 2 pre bis items (devilsaur) can be bought once you get some decent gold, and the rest have a normal drop rate. 2nd Tier 0.5 is on the way to be released and this stuff is BiS till re gonna love it.

Also yeah you must play what you like most, why in the name of christ will you be picking a healer when you like melee dps? You will end up ragequiting at 60 watching other rogues/wariors playing.

Re: Are rogues hardest to gear up?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 6:23 am
by Blackadder
roll hunter and you can need on all gear ( plate items are good for your pet as food bowls)

Re: Are rogues hardest to gear up?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:55 am
by DrearyYew
killshot wrote: 2nd Tier 0.5 is on the way to be released and this stuff is BiS till re gonna love it

T0.5 (Dungeon Set 2) Wasn't added to the game until patch 1.10, which was after the release of AQ.

Re: Are rogues hardest to gear up?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:46 am
by Hatson
Heaviest competition, maybe. But so do all the others that have that very competition on the gear you also need.
So wouldn't that make all the classes that use your gear "hard to gear up"?

I'd argue that gearing up hybrids is the hardest. Mostly due to how much different gear you can use and probably want to get. Especially when it comes to dps gear for hybrids, as they are very few and far between and often a pain in the ass to get as many of those rare statistical items that would be great for you are then also wanted by other classes. Making it not only have competition, but also a rare item in and on itself.

And there's so much gear tiered towards heavily favored melee statistics that the pool of item choices you have as a Rogue is much larger than many other classes.
Of course Warriors have it the best as there is literally no competition on any of their plate tank and dps gear (besides wannabe retri), but I wouldn't say Rogues have it the hardest. Especially when the only reason you have for why that would be is something that affects all the other classes involved in the same situation as the Rogue.

Re: Are rogues hardest to gear up?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:38 am
by Surprise
I had pre-bis raid pieces at 57 and 58. I've been 60 for about 3-4 days now and am only missing pre-raid bis belt, 1 trinket, and cape. Then again, I'm sure time able to play has a lot to do with it too. I am also lucky as hell. As I am writing this it is 3 hours after I ran UBRS and 2 painweavers dropped. I got 1, and my bis truestrike shoulders and blackmist armguards. lol. Irish luck irl :mrgreen:

Re: Are rogues hardest to gear up?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:01 pm
by Tosicx
killshot wrote:Nope its not true. The ''full of rogues status'' has happened already in other private servers too. Tier 0.5 is on the way to be released and this stuff is BiS till re gonna love it.

I am not even going to correct you but only say that you have no idea what you're talking about. Check your facts before posting on forums.
Orcduck, whatever you decide have a good luck with it. Just remember to pick smart.

Re: Are rogues hardest to gear up?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:56 pm
by Uzephi
Tosicx wrote:a lot of leather items are bis pre-raid for all melee classes.

Besides feral druids, warriors, and rogues, who else is melee? If a raid brings in a retadin or enh shaman, that is their stupidity. All cloth BiS are great for the three cloth classes, resto druids, and the faction specific shamans/paladins. So, in fact there is three classes rolling for leather and five for cloth. I would assume being a cloth class for getting gear would be much worse than a rogue.

But as stated in this thread, pick what you love to play. There is nothing worse than seeing someone else play your favorite class in a raid while you do something else.

Re: Are rogues hardest to gear up?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:58 pm
by Lazermon
Hard to gear up? pick a mage and you get hard to gear up right now. Not only do you need rank 7 for the essential spelldmg set bonus, you also need stuff like Briarwood Reed, Freezing Shard (a 0,1% droprate boe from RFD) and 3 (!) BoE epics, two freezing bands and one elemental mage staff.