Is it possible to get exalted with horde factions now ?
Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:47 am
Is it possible to get exalted with horde factions now without cloth donations just from quests ?
Gazpy wrote:I've managed to do SW.
Robotron wrote:I'd really love to know this. I'm at like 9/21k Org rep, and I would like my pre-1.4 doge. I'm UD.
Robotron wrote:I leveled in the Barrens, but not Durotar. That and Silverpine are, I think, the only two zones I did not quest in pre-level 50. I've also done every single pre-60 dungeon quest save for the RFD escort (lost to server crash) and Hakkar in ST (bug cost us the pull).