Since most people didn't participate in Hack-Session yesterday, I want to give some little information for those who weren't there.
Principally I was not very satisfied with the session itself and its results, which is a tragedy for me to say, since we all are great friends of Nost. Here are some key-facts why:
1) Using proprietary Multihacks that can be found with a quick Google search, it was possible to use a variety of Hacks undetected, running on water and (short distance) teleportation included!
2) Time was much to short. As I already mention in the Hack-Session thread, 2:30h is just to short to try all the stuff you want. I was only able to cover ~1/8 of the stuff I wanted to try. This is especially influenced by issues concerning the usage of the communicated time frame for the test. Please devs, if you put the server up ~1:30h late, let the server run longer than 2:30h!
3) Participation was only very little. Principally there where more devs around than people from the community. I can't understand why. Googleing some stuff and clicking on some buttons in some Multihacks is something everyone who raids can do for sure. Ok, that is not real hacking but being a script kiddy, but that was what the devs wanted. There was no time for real hacking (in 2:30h atleast) and the devs wanted me to click on buttons anyway.
4) Of cause there where also some upsides: Devs where friendly, some hacks where detected (and if not at the first time, then at the second or third) and you had a whole Nost server for your own
F**k yeah - I am Jesus
Darn! - The Anticheat spotted me