by Thommas » Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:10 am
Depends on what you're targeting.
If like 95% of players you want to enjoy lvl up to 60 and doing instances with people on a vanilla flavor,
this server is perfect.
The last time I've seen that many player in all zones as any time was during WoW vanilla beta and just after the official launch.
Did my first deadmines yesterday, was really fun, like good old times.
Using the wheel to save our asses many times ...
Wiped about 5/6 times ... used all my pots ...
Got a powerful weapon, I feel like a king now.
I'm lvl 18 Pally Holy.
Kronos/Nostalrius fight requires tons of pop corn.
But I tried Kronos and saw only one player during 1 hour.
Needless to say, I'm going to stick to Nostalrius until I reach lvl 60 with at least one Wawa, Pally, Priest and Mage.