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Does the lag still exist for others?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:36 pm
by duds
Am I the only one still experiencing the lag? My ms is never past 100 but I am still getting huge lag spikes..
I'm from England.. Is there any other people from around me that are still getting it? The patch did nothing for me and I am wondering if this is because the restart/update yesterday didn't fix it or whether it is down to my location.

Re: Does the lag still exist for others?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:51 pm
by Cy_
Yes, for me it is worse than ever. In the WSG I just played I could not land a single sap despite being on top of my target. At least 5 openers didn't go off upon keypress, but pulled me out of stealth. Also, I got pulled out of stealth by a flare 20 yards away. That was pretty enjoyable.

Oh, and I have to be about 8 yards in front of a running target to melee it. Sucks.