Selective Suggestion Application

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Selective Suggestion Application

by c_jay223 » Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:52 pm

World of Warcraft Retail seemed to fail, over-time, in large part by the applied suggestions (in a lot of cases whining) of it's player base (or at least its forum/media-roaming player-base). Nostalrius Begins has been successfully juggling valid complaints and suggestions with the non-substance based cry's. Please continue on the path of calm-clear mindedness and stay the course - for you have shown thus far that this course is a good one.

Some what random post script: Please do not ever censor other server names in chat or anything of the sort, this shows weakness and an affinity toward censorship itself. If someone is advertising, that is different in nature and should be dealt with on a situational basis-it should not be solved through the censoring of server names for any and all Nostalrius peoples.

Some what random super-post script: Please do not ever go "pay to win" in any form. I, along with many other Nostalrius players, have been lured into private servers before with the promise of no "pay to win", later finding out it was all a ploy to accumulate a larger player base- before the "pay to win" application. This would be a political-split tongued move, based in dishonor.

----With this being said, I had no problem at all regarding the limited donation process that was previously available. In fact, I wish for Nostalrius to implement a limited donation time yet again, but this time advertise it to a greater degree. Whether in game or to a greater degree on the website. (To recap-this optional donation yielded NO items or anything at all. It was simply to help the server).

Lastly, I'll end with a big, "fuck you" to all Rogues and Paladins. We all hate you, go die. :lol:

Re: Selective Suggestion Application

by MintyRequiem » Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:24 pm

I don't think this server would ever go pay to win. It will decimate the server's population.

PS: We love you too
-Alliance Rogue

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