by Glaston » Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:43 am
Hello Sluib! It seems you've been experiencing difficulties with some of our players! Our dedicated team of officers has investigated the issue and we have discovered that Qxc had indeed advertised the run with the Cadaverous Armor listed as reserved. Upon needing this item you had broken the agreed upon terms of the dungeon as set by the group leader, and he decided the proper course of action was to remove you from the party.
As the players who carried you through the dungeon to begin with, I'm forced to ask you pay a fee of 10 gold for the time and effort of our guild members, which could have been better spent farming or helping fellow guildies. Please send this gold to Garthax immediately or risk being blacklisted by our guild members. It is unfortunate for all parties involved that this run ended in this manner, but I'm certain together we can resolve this issue fairly and swiftly. Thank you for your time.
-Glaston (Snack in game)
Good gamer guild master of <Salty Dogs>. IGN: Garthax