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Vanilla World of Warcraft Movies, that you enjoyed watching

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:07 pm
by bishop
What were your favorite Vanilla World of Warcraft movies, that you enjoyed watching or even inspired you?
My list would be pretty big, i try to reduce it to a minimum of 5 :)

My absolute favorite movie includes actually not a lot of skill, but this movie laid the foundation stone for PvP movies in 2004. Great intro and it has some nice tunes too:
1. Adventures of Setz & Plexx 2:

Very entertaining Warrior PvP movie. He is the reason why i played Warrior for a long time:
2. Drakkus 1 - Warrior PvP

Great rogue video series, alot of people should remember him:
3. Shurrik 2:

Amazing editing skill for vanilla times:
4. Unknown III - Mage PvP

Former guild member from closed beta times, he also used to edit his videos massively :)
I enjoyed his "V for Vengeance" movie the most, but can't find a working link, so i am gonna post the first part of his series:
5. Hector PvP

Re: Vanilla World of Warcraft Movies, that you enjoyed watch

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:46 pm
by James Goblin
Ty for effort! :)

There is too many movies to both remember and then dig from depths - if possible (not to mention the choice...).

I did some archaeology but I wasn´t able to find few old Shaman PvP videos (Ele/Resto) I was watching on daily basis back in the day. I also enjoyeda couple of forgotten (by me that is) lock vids, but I know shammy vid I HATED the most (the one that certainly helped with some of nerfs) -

And of course, speaking of classical WoW vids - I would recommend this to anyone claiming that playing rogues requires any kind of skill Enjoy ;)

Re: Vanilla World of Warcraft Movies, that you enjoyed watch

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 11:12 pm
by Noxx
I enjoy the Videos from Feenix. The skill level on those players are higher then the retail ones.

And the reason is ofcourse that they have played wow alot longer then the people that made movies on vanilla so they have had more time making their skill perfected.

Re: Vanilla World of Warcraft Movies, that you enjoyed watch

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 11:37 pm
by Mopey
Faxmonkey is prolly the first gamer vids I really got into and he inspired me to be a Mage in Vanilla.

Re: Vanilla World of Warcraft Movies, that you enjoyed watch

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:51 pm
by FORTRAN777 Grim - Total Annihilation (Rogue) Unbreakable Warlord wielding Hand of Ragnaros, Sulfuras ( Enhancement Shaman) sick windfury procs :) Vurtne 1 (Best and most known mage in the world, must watch!) Vurtne 2 Vurtne 3 ... Vurtne 4 Vurtne 5

Enjoy! :) Will put some more maybe.

Re: Vanilla World of Warcraft Movies, that you enjoyed watch

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:49 pm
by chanan12
No pvp. Just one man and his eternal sadness, his revenge and his anguish!

Watch and weep:

Re: Vanilla World of Warcraft Movies, that you enjoyed watch

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:09 pm
by Noxx
Best rogue to ever play vanilla insane reflexes. <---- Clicking is a must!

Hes also the worlds best Rogue vs Rogue in WOTLK check out his channel its crazy

Re: Vanilla World of Warcraft Movies, that you enjoyed watch

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:33 pm
by Sargath Who can forget Swifty with all his warrior tricks? One of the most entertaining movies from that time. Pat the incredible warrior with his insane crits? One of the very first wow movies I ever saw. Maydie the rank14 warrior wich is also a very entertaining movie! and Made me roll a shadowpriest right after I dinged my very first 60. Gegon the Gnome Mage was also a very entertaining movie. Before I really got into wow I watched this one and was pretty much amazed by it, Exploration the Movie. This movie almost bring the nostalgia tear to my eye. Onyxia the Movie. First PvE video I ever saw and I was sold. So well done. C'thun a survivors guide. Showing how deadly that boss is.

Re: Vanilla World of Warcraft Movies, that you enjoyed watch

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:31 pm
by JimboPete
I actually took the time to watch 4 random videos from those listed.

Most of them were people getting lucky procs and large crits.

I saw little to no skill.


Re: Vanilla World of Warcraft Movies, that you enjoyed watch

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:38 pm
by Karmacode
NerfSap 1:
NerfSap 8: (starts in the middle for some reason, just rewind the tape before watching)
While I appreciate the technical skill and execution that Rogues such as Neilyo show, I've always preferred watching the World PvP madness of HappyMinti. Bonus early Vanilla nostalgia for NerfSap 1.

There's not a lot of (good) Hunter videos from Vanilla, but this one is pretty iconic. Nothing too amazing about the player skill, but there are some neat tricks (+Engineering). Gives a good framework for Hunter PvPing.
Also gets bonus points for Lacuna Coil.

Vurtne 1:
Surprised none of his videos have been mentioned so far. Everyone's probably seen them, but here's the first one for posterity.