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Question about timeline and PATCHES

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 6:05 am
by bockhorn
Hey guys

So far I've seen the timeline being based on dungeons/raids rather than actual patches (which makes sense I guess since we are, game-version-wise in patch 1.12). However, I am wondering what the timeline is for the actual patches, I'm thinking in particular of some of the important item changes that occured such as some patterns no longer being BoP (patch 1.3) and tier 0.5 dungeon sets etc. Dire Maul is being released soon I heard, thats patch 1.3. Does that mean that ALL of patch 1.3 changes will be implemented or is it just the dungeon?

Re: Question about timeline and PATCHES

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:00 am
by Keftenk
The devs have pretty much deviated off the timeline a little bit. Azuregos came out, but not Kazzak. Dire Maul is supposed to release on April 22nd (going off of information from the PvE progression thread). The dev's did update us with our concerns on the current timeline, but the future is still wrapped in obscurity since there weren't specific dates for future content release.

As for the item changes. Who knows D: Azuregos is technically patch 1.3, but so is Kazzak and Dire Maul. I'm assuming they will come when one or both are released, but confirmation on if that'll happen or when that'll happen.

This is from Viper/Daemon:

Viper wrote:

As a reminder, this is not a final timeline. You should rather consider it as an indicative timeline.


Additional Note:
Timeline has been adjusted based on server overall progress and number of players reaching level60.
Consequently, Azuregos will be released this weekend, Sunday 10PM server time.

Kazzak, Dire Maul and Black Wing Lair will be available in the coming weeks.
For a few numbers of guilds, it will be available starting next week on our ISVV server, to check if everything is working properly: content need to be equal to perfection for our community.
If your guilds want to be part of this ISVV tasks, and have the size, availablity, knowledge and skills needed for these new challenge, feel free to contact an administrator as soon as possible.

Re: Question about timeline and PATCHES

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:21 am
by Hammersplat
I'm almost lvl 60... Good to hear I will be sipping on crystal water in a couple of days :)

Re: Question about timeline and PATCHES

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:17 pm
by bockhorn
Thanks for the replies!

I would still love to hear any official statement on items etc if possible!

Re: Question about timeline and PATCHES

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 5:12 pm
by Imbaslap
patchnotes coming out when Corecraft releases......
