Too worried about optimization

Browsing the forums (and it's the same for all the forums I've lurked on) I notice a lot of people frozen by the proposition of choosing the most "optimized" class. "Best end game DPS class?" "Rogue or fury war for DPS????" These look familiar? People are so concerned with choosing the "best" class that it takes away the essence of the game. The game is about the world and finding your place in it. Any class can do anything if you play it correctly put effort into it. I get people want to be the best, but unless your on cutting edge progression and focused solely on that goal, it doesn't really matter.
Anyone else feel the same way? Always striving for optimization ruins the experience of the world. Quit trying to be the "best" and just play a class and character you enjoy and be a part of the world.
Anyone else feel the same way? Always striving for optimization ruins the experience of the world. Quit trying to be the "best" and just play a class and character you enjoy and be a part of the world.