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PVP GEAR : update clarification ?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:06 pm
by Switchblade
people who grinded till r10 gear will not have their gear updated after ZG release ?

they'll have to redo the ranking to r10 and buy the gear again right ?

a GM answer would be apreciated, since it is a little retarded.

Re: PVP GEAR : update clarification ?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:47 pm
by Misa
Where do these assumptions come from? They're just numbers in a database and they change them. The item ID does not change. Items will stay, numbers will change.

Re: PVP GEAR : update clarification ?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:05 pm
by Switchblade
well.... see

Regarding PvP equipment (which is for us a major point) :
* PvP equipment sets (R7, R8, R10 & R12, R13) will be available with original stats (before 1.11 patch) at server release.
* R14 weapons won't be available for players with the corresponding highest rank until ZG's release.
* Once ZG has been released, new PvP items will be available (R7, R8, R10), and R12/R13 items will be updated, in line with the stats known after 1.11 patch.

Re: PVP GEAR : update clarification ?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:26 pm
by Youfie
Switchblade wrote:well.... see

Regarding PvP equipment (which is for us a major point) :
* PvP equipment sets (R7, R8, R10 & R12, R13) will be available with original stats (before 1.11 patch) at server release.
* R14 weapons won't be available for players with the corresponding highest rank until ZG's release.
* Once ZG has been released, new PvP items will be available (R7, R8, R10), and R12/R13 items will be updated, in line with the stats known after 1.11 patch.

Why are you asking, the answer is in your quote :).

People who got the blue PvP gear will have to grind it again. There will be two different blue PvP sets : the current one and the next one after the update.
They will co-exist after ZG release (old one won't be sold any more, but won't be deleted for players who bought). Exactly like on retail when Blizzard changed the sets :).

The epic set will not work the same, it will get upgraded, without needing to buy it again. players will just have to clear their cache to see the changes.

Re: PVP GEAR : update clarification ?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:54 pm
by grimnarr
Misa wrote:Where do these assumptions come from? They're just numbers in a database and they change them. The item ID does not change. Items will stay, numbers will change.


Re: PVP GEAR : update clarification ?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:12 pm
by Astixium
If you search the support forums you can find the post where GMs clearly explain that the gear will gain the stats it should have when the right patches are out without the need of them being bought again. I think it's on the release schedule.

Re: PVP GEAR : update clarification ?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:26 pm
by Youfie
Astixium wrote:If you search the support forums you can find the post where GMs clearly explain that the gear will gain the stats it should have when the right patches are out without the need of them being bought again. I think it's on the release schedule.

No, not for the blue set.