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[How to] How you all can help nostalrius get more players.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:20 pm
by jacked
This thread should be used to push your YouTube comment.

Reason: If a comment gets liked, it displays on top.
Old videos sometimes have hundreds of comments (example: Maydie with around 400, Cromatic with around 500)
a new comment would never be noticed without any likes.

I think the way is known & easy but if something isn’t clear:

Step 1. Write a comment about Kronos or at least mention this server. *
Step 2. Link this video here, if it is a comment of a comment, let us know
Step 3. We are going to like your comment, if it includes step 1. **

The part with the highest level for me is Step 3. as mentioned.

*Please, if you write a comment where you are mentioning Nostalrius, also mention the servers URL
For example: Great vanilla server Nostalrius!

** if you can’t find the comment of our mate because of the mentioned 500 comments above,
you are able to click on the YouTube video > „Top Comments“ and then „Newest one first“

Let’s get busy.

- - - Updated - - -

Just two examples: comment of a comment (very first comment)
(and yeah it's going to be international now :P)