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Old raids.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 11:53 am
by alucard001
I know that some instances which now are dungeons were raids in a old past.

For example Sholo and Stratholme were for 10 man like UBRS

I would like to do them with 10 man

Re: Old raids.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 12:05 pm
by Hatson
UBRS and Scholo / Strat were not designed the same, however. The player cap to dungeons and raids were much, much bigger in early WoW.
UBRS used to have a cap of 15 players. But later reduced to 10.

Scholo and Strat were designed differently, as its' evident by this:
Which used to have a cap of 10 players. But later reduced to 5. The same goes for BRD.
(A friendly reminder for the devs: Patch 1.4 introduced a ton of new rare items to Scholo and Strat as well as upgrading some uncommon ones to rare quality. And the entire tier drop system was changed to how we're all used to now. See:

It's an obvious sign of design choices and difference. If you want to do Scholo and Strat 10-man. Then UBRS would be a 15-man. They're not both 10-man.

Re: Old raids.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 12:10 pm
by mike1097
I think the real question is if the devs modify it this way or if it will be 5 man or im wrong?

Re: Old raids.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:18 pm
by DGProbe99
Dont forget before patch 1.3 all dungeons could have up to 40 players, even places like deadmines ;)

Re: Old raids.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:33 pm
by alucard001
LOL, that is amazing. Imagine do DM with 40 people lvl 10

Re: Old raids.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 2:21 pm
by Stormreaver
I doubt it will be like that, I think the only things that are pre-1.12.1 are items and mob stats. But if they've tweaked dungeons like that it would be impressive. :)

Re: Old raids.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 3:14 pm
by Cousy
It would be almost impossible to make the dungeons like they were before they were turned into 5 mans. They changed boss mechanics, they changed patrol patterns, the way quests worked and removed mobs all together. There is nearly no information (read: clear, precise, visual proof) of how it was originally. You can tell that the developers were almost teaching people about MMO progression through the reduction in dungeon size.

We'll be getting much closer than other projects due to the gear nerfs (which I'm super in favor of) in terms of 5 man difficulties, but It would be a fool's errand to try and re-buff the level 60 dungeons to their original state.

Re: Old raids.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:11 pm
by Ellarria
Cousy wrote:It would be almost impossible to make the dungeons like they were before they were turned into 5 mans. They changed boss mechanics, they changed patrol patterns, the way quests worked and removed mobs all together. There is nearly no information (read: clear, precise, visual proof) of how it was originally. You can tell that the developers were almost teaching people about MMO progression through the reduction in dungeon size.

We'll be getting much closer than other projects due to the gear nerfs (which I'm super in favor of) in terms of 5 man difficulties, but It would be a fool's errand to try and re-buff the level 60 dungeons to their original state.

Exactly. Scholomance pre-nerf would take an insane amount of time to complete. I doubt many people want to see 3 hour Scholo runs make a comeback.