So after all of the tests that I have taken part in, as well as read about, am I still the only person wondering what the "more than 16 developers" actually scripted "since 2010"?
It's easy to go back and look at all the things that weren't scripted .
The PvP bug reports are still viewable on the forums.
The low level dungeons were all bugged to some degree or another. This also showcased bugs such as being able to multi-shot and cleave your allies, as well as other spell and ability bugs not found in the PvP test.
The hack test showed that the server really didn't have any protection in place. I personally talked to someone that has been in the private server for years, and every hack that has worked on projects in the past was working here.
Finally, the raid test showed that MC was essentially unscripted. Mobs were chained together incorrectly, and bosses weren't scripted right.
I know that after each of these sessions, and even in-between the different sections for each session, the developers were able to fix almost, if not all of the problems.
But. That still begs the question of what they've been doing over the last 5 years with over 16 developers? They had an instant level 60 server, were the raids and dungeons just as bad for that? Did they start over and re-script a whole new core?
I'm asking this because I don't think that raids are going to be as easy to hot-fix, especially once we get into BWL, and then the AQ event, as well as the raid, are notably difficult to script. Nax arguably being the hardest.
I don't know about all of you, but this is starting to feel like Vengeance of Azeroth. It looks like they've started a server with some basic work done and they're using people to test things and report bugs before they've even put in any testing themselves. I know Vengeance is failing mostly due to their low population, but a part of the reason that the population has fallen off is because they came out and said that raids aren't scripted fully, and they need time to complete them.
I know that Nostalrius may have "doable" Ony and MC, but those are the easy ones to script. Are we going to continue to be test dummies for the rest of their content? Will they be able to script the AQ event and raid in a timely manner, because they hadn't done any work in MC and Ony, so I am assuming (which I know is wrong and I will receive flak over) that they haven't done any real scripting on BWL or AQ, or Nax.
If a GM or a developer wants to tell me I'm wrong I would love that. If they can provide proof of the work they have done over the last 5 years, or of the current state of their level 60 content I would love that too.
I'm not trying to tear this project down, I'm trying to get them to show us that it's worth waiting for and playing on once it releases. I know there are die-hard fans that will play on this server regardless, but there are probably many more of us that are just waiting for an exceptional vanilla server to come out. I want everyone to be as well informed as possible so that we can all make the right decision.