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Will we get like this day one release?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:35 am
by wowfun2
I remembered back in the days when WoW got first day of released the starter zone was crazy packed I wish I still had screenshots of those, but it unfortunately I don't have it on my HDD.

However I did google off image found one, but it so simulator to that one. however those seem to have an event or something prior of TBC release.


So what do you guys expect to see? Maybe don't expect that crazy the one picture is shown lol. :D

Re: Will we get like this day one release?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:44 am
by DrunkenEnvy
It's completely possible if everyone spreads the word once the release date is announced, and every corner of the private server community are speaking about it

Re: Will we get like this day one release?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:51 am
by kovenant
in every release when a new class is or was announced it was no fun to play in starter zones.

depending on the fan base it can be possible that start area's are over-crowded.
during release of vanilla i skipped the first day due to connection problems, login queue's, high pings etc.

when TBC was released the dark portal and first zone in TBC hellfire peninsul was no fun to play in.
( well for me it was since i had th egame three days before release so i was one of the first to enter and clear the first part of the zone)
everyone was running to get the mobs / npc's and quest items just to be the first to go to another zone.

but in retail you are talking about thousands of players conecting at once, not hundreds / a thousand.

even if there are a thousand connecting at once, there are two factions and both factions have a list of races so it will be kind of spread out over all the maps/.

Re: Will we get like this day one release?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:07 am
by Gabgab
i expect about 20 people in each starting zone at launch

Re: Will we get like this day one release?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:15 am
by cardk
You expect there to be 160 total population? :p
And that is counting 20 of each race, not considering orc/troll and gnome/dwarf start together, so in that case 120.

Re: Will we get like this day one release?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:20 am
by Drain
I wasn't there until a few months later(Feb 05). The population was already thinning out. Every area was frequent, but not so much so that you were tripping over players and struggling to even find mobs. When BC launched, I saw the zerging first hand. When I rolled my BE, the new zone was so crowded I couldn't even get mobs for the quests. You had to spam buttons and hope you tagged first, because a mob was only up for about 1 whole second before it was tagged and killed.

Hellfire was one giant raid zone, although the PvP in it was great. When the other faction is part of the population problem, you then have the option of fighting them rather than just sitting around bored waiting for spawns(which you then tag race for). By Wotlk, Blizzard finally learned how stupid it was to zerg an entire population to a single location at one time.

Speaking of stupid, WoW originally launched with only 1 auction house per faction, meaning half the server would be zerged up in these rooms day and night trying to use the damn thing. Some retard thought it was a good idea to not make rooms for these in every city to spread out the players. So you basically had to use the auction house with 1 FPS and 500 ping(praying not to freeze or get disconnected). If you were lucky, you could sneak into it at 2am when the dogpile was less severe. It took some painfully long amount of time before Blizzard was finally begged hard enough into caring about the problem then adding more auction houses. Those were the days when they actually listened to the good feedback, rather than just the crybabies that wanted nerf X or buff Y the game didn't need.

Re: Will we get like this day one release?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:35 am
by Gabgab
cardk wrote:You expect there to be 160 total population? :p
And that is counting 20 of each race, not considering orc/troll and gnome/dwarf start together, so in that case 120.

yeah, sounds about right