just a small question

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

just a small question

by napredator » Thu Feb 12, 2015 12:45 pm

does anyone know what the exact name of the server is? i'm talking about inside the wtf/account/(name)/ folder, will it be nostalrius? or nostalrius blizzlike? etc

the reason i ask is because when i make new characters i copy all the settings over so all the addons and everything is exactly the same. if i have the exact server name i can put my character names inside there before they're even made. i want to do this because in order for me to copy the settings over the other way would require me to log out of the game and put me back in the huge queue i'd imagine that there will be.
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Re: just a small question

by Dominance90 » Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:41 pm

i have the same question.
How will we find the server in order to log onto it ?
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