First of all glad we have a release date. Can't wait to play vanilla again.
But after reading forums on Nostalrius and kronos I felt like it is like the 16-bit war all over again. SNES vs. Sega. One side says we have better graphics the other yells BLAST PROCESSING. And the cycle repeats, everyone rages and hates the other side, everyone is telling we are better you suck and so on. But the most important thing is just chill and wait untill you see the server, then judge it and their developers. I am glad that Nostalrius is going to release so fast, but I wish that those kind of posts just stop. Don't bother with other servers just be focused on the one you want to play. Have a nice day/night, peace and be happy someone wants to give you a vanilla experience you deserve.
P.S. The rages on Nostalrius arent often at all, just a comment or two, but on kronos the community is a little in fear because we have developers who say us like everything.