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SNES vs Sega

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:33 pm
by gazi05
First of all glad we have a release date. Can't wait to play vanilla again.

But after reading forums on Nostalrius and kronos I felt like it is like the 16-bit war all over again. SNES vs. Sega. One side says we have better graphics the other yells BLAST PROCESSING. And the cycle repeats, everyone rages and hates the other side, everyone is telling we are better you suck and so on. But the most important thing is just chill and wait untill you see the server, then judge it and their developers. I am glad that Nostalrius is going to release so fast, but I wish that those kind of posts just stop. Don't bother with other servers just be focused on the one you want to play. Have a nice day/night, peace and be happy someone wants to give you a vanilla experience you deserve.

P.S. The rages on Nostalrius arent often at all, just a comment or two, but on kronos the community is a little in fear because we have developers who say us like everything.

Re: SNES vs Sega

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:54 pm
by digitalscar
its SNES vs MegaDrive or Nintendo vs Sega sir please!
joking :P agree with you 100% mate.

P.S. Sega had cooler games :P

Re: SNES vs Sega

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:12 pm
by Imbaslap
SNES has Mario kart..
Sega has Sonic..

I prefer Mario kart.

Re: SNES vs Sega

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:27 pm
by digitalscar
Imbaslap wrote:SNES has Mario kart..
Sega has Sonic..

I prefer Mario kart.

Streets of Rage I and II (Bare Knuckles in Japan) was my no.1 back as a kid, and no other game could top that, thus my love for Sega. Mind you I enjoyed playing countless hours on my nes and snes just hte same... I r collect them all nowadays :mrgreen:

Re: SNES vs Sega

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:37 pm
by Drain
I think you'd benefit more from posting this on Kronos, but perhaps you're posting it on both. People operate with hype and fear because they can't yet see the final products. Once Nostalrius is open and it is revealed to in fact not be the magical fairy land everyone now believes it is; things will go back to normal. I would even say Nostalrius is shooting itself in the foot with the over hype in its videos, but this kind of hype is important for private servers to desperately build up the following/playerbase they need at release.

People will soon be on the Kronos forum saying talent X, quest Y, or NPC Z doesn't work on Nostalrius, and Kronos will seize the chance to make their server look better by making sure it works on theirs. Let me put it this way, we're not going to be in a world where only 1 of these servers is successful. They're both going to have issues, competition for scripting/fixes, and followings. People are going to say "Pick this server because that one has X broken on it", and about that server, they will say nearly the exact same thing, replacing X with something else.

Btw, Snes was the better system. :) ... rison.html

Re: SNES vs Sega

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 11:20 pm
by valaquenta
snes = zelda alttp, the best mario games, ff6, chrono trigger, other incredible RPGs, metroid,....

I doubt there will be a console with so many great games again, though my preference goes to the n64 for OOT, majora's mask, mario 64, rayman 2, mario kart, mickey's speedway usa, smash bros, conker's bad fur day, and so on....

Re: SNES vs Sega

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 11:38 pm
by MundlMundl
SNES = Terranigma & Lufia 2 - can't beat that :D

Although Ristar on the MegaDrive will always have a place in my memories :)

Re: SNES vs Sega

PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 12:04 am
by Hatson
Here's a quote by me from a thread here way back in November:
Hatson wrote:Shining Force II (Sega Genesis 1994) - Imo the best tactical RPG I've ever played and by far the best music, especially for its' time. Motoaki Takenouchi really squeezed out the sound limits on the Genesis chip.

Sonic II (Sega Genesis 1992) - Everyone knows it. And it's my favourite out of the series. And the music is no exception.

And there were a lot more awesome games on Sega's side. I didn't own a SNES myself, though, but I do love its' games. I used to play ZSNES emulator a TON back in the day. Had every game on it. Was endless fun.

But my favourite RPG is still by far Shining Force II on the old Sega console. I don't think there will ever be an OST as good as that game had. This shit was beyond inspiring to a kid playing it. Not even Final Fantasy's tunes were as hard hitting as Shining Force's for me. You're doing yourself a disservice if you like RPGs and do not play this game. (jolliest god damn town theme ever made, I frequently listen to this while shopping. TRUST ME. It's the best shopping tune ever.) (spooky memories...) (#NeverForget :cry:) (this boss terrified me as a kid) (one of the hypest fights)

Well that's enough fanboyism from me over the Shining Force series for now.

Re: SNES vs Sega

PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:22 am
by Drain
I had both consoles, but I favored my Snes quite more. Super Mario RPG; I loved that game. I had all the Snes goodies, like Starfox, Zelda, Super Mario World, Lost Vikings, Mario Kart, but that was my favorite. If I was going to suggest a game you go emulate today, it would be that one if you've never played it. Right now, having finished my second run of The War of Mine, I'm thinking about my next game. I'm thinking about running through Metal Gear Solid 1 or Oddworld again; been a long time. Or I could continue my long running yearly tradition of replaying Parasite Eve but never actually beating it. For about 5 or so years straight, I'd pick the game up, start it from the beginning, then quit at some point, making it just a bit further each time. I think last time, in 2014, I made it to the final boss, but kept dying, and quit again. Round 2015 has not yet been announced.

Re: SNES vs Sega

PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 8:07 am
by lyrical
Snes 100%, i've got the 2 consoles two but, Snes is the best in my opinion for the PAD and the games.

Secret of mana, A link to the past, Donkey kong, Bomberman, Yoshi's iSland, Mario all stars ( with the battle options) best console ever made ( my opinion, again.)