However, on several servers and patch numbers:
Couldn't find CVar named UnitNameFriendlyPetName is the error I recieve.
After some googles and checking wowwiki etc., I see no listed change or alternative.
Just wondering if this variable is altered on pservers or if anyone has found an alternate method to achive my goal.
The code is small if it helps...
- Code: Select all
local hideshit = CreateFrame("Frame")
local raids = {
["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = true,
["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = true,
["Silithus"] = true,
["Onyxia's Lair"] = true,
["Blackrock Spire"] = true,--covering some bases on BRS, needs a test
["Upper Blackrock Spire"] = true,
["Lower Blackrock Spire"] = true,
["Blackrock Mountain"] = true,--for consistency
["Zul'Gurub "] = true,
["Molten Core"] = true,
["Blackwing Lair"] = true,
["Naxxramas"] = true,
["Alterac Valley"] = true,
["Tainted Scar"] = true, --slop for Kazzak
["Azshara"] = true -- and sloppier for Azuregos
--likely will add requirement for 6 or more group members somewhere to reduce the slop from table
hideshit:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
if raids[GetRealZoneText()] then
SetCVar("UnitNamePlayerGuild", 0)
--SetCVar("UnitNameFriendlyPetName", 0) --derping error
SetCVar("UnitNamePlayerPVPTitle", 0)
SetCVar("UnitNamePlayerGuild", 1)
--SetCVar("UnitNameFriendlyPetName", 1)
SetCVar("UnitNamePlayerPVPTitle", 1)