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Ask about particular bugfixes/features here

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:14 am
by Aquane
If you aren't an admin/staff member, I don't want you to just say these have all been fixed without knowing for sure; I want to be completely certain.
I know most of these are gonna be fixed, but I just wanna make sure because the youtube videos don't tell me, and I don't have a facebook(and don't plan to either)

Are you able to skip from lord incendius in BRD to the black forge by jumping off the ledge and hugging the wall with the lava touching it and avoid taking lava damage that way?

Does 100% of lava hurt you, including that in RFC?

Does the WC murloc event work?

Does elemental damage on weapons such as Venomstrike(19 twink bow) work, and is the elemental damage on all weapons treated as the proper damage type if it does work?

Is the item property, Increases spell damage dealt versus undead by X bugged in such a way that all non-physical forms of damage dealt against undead with the item equipped is increased by exactly X, regardless of spell damage coefficients? This bug did result in DoT spells doing 48 extra damage per tick from the blue AD trinket, wand hits doing 48 extra damage(which should be completely unaffected by +spell damage), stuff like Storm Gauntlets(51 extra nature damage per melee hit!) and the DLK amulet and Fiery Retributer from ZG madness event, and all non-physical item procs doing 48 extra damage per hit, and stuff like frostbolt and life drain doing 48 extra damage per hit/tick. Also, is this fixed for AP versus undead?

Does the fire damage from the DLK necklace trigger on gouge then break it? It's not supposed to according to patch 1.12 notes

Does HP regen from spirit work according to retail vanilla, and particularly, do warriors have the vanilla hp regen from spirit or tbc regen? (2006 version) (2007 version)

Do the quests, Battle for Darrowshire and The Attack and What is Going On(part 1) work?

Are you allowed to hike to the likes of uninstanced AQ/STV/Tanaris and Hyjal and Quel'Serrar(is that one tbc+ only?) and CoT and are you able to if you don't get caught?

Does the ZF stairs event work?

Does the Sunken Temple Hakkar event work every time, and does it have the bug where if only one guy aggros Hakkar after he spawns, then he immediately mind controls him/her, and by then no other players have aggroed him, Hakkar despawns and the player stays mind controlled indefinitely?

Does Water Walking work on mounted players? If they are already mounted then Water Walking is used does it work?

Does Shadowfang Keep have a bug where all the chests spawn every time?

The fish in ZG; are they supposed to deaggro if you jump from the surface of the water and land in the water, every time you do it, and do they here?

Are you able to enslave Heredine Slayers in Winterspring or Helboars in Blasted Lands and spam Mortal Strike/Fire Nova with 0 cooldown?

Does Mind Control work right in PvP?

EDIT: Does that one guy in Sen'Jin Village do that funky stuff if you ask after doing the Zazalane quest? This is especially important to me.

Re: Ask about particular bugfixes/features here

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 5:15 am
by Chaton
From the last time i play to the beta test. i can said :

Are you able to skip from lord incendius in BRD to the black forge by jumping off the ledge and hugging the wall with the lava touching it and avoid taking lava damage that way? YES
Does elemental damage on weapons such as Venomstrike(19 twink bow) work YES
The fish in ZG; are they supposed to deaggro if you jump from the surface of the water and land in the water, every time you do it, and do they here? They not supposed to do that, and they'r fix here.

Re: Ask about particular bugfixes/features here

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 5:26 am
by Aquane
ouch, that first (bug?) is a huge one compared to the others

hope its fixed by the end of the month

EDIT: @ Sélenne I meant the one where you skip to black forge from lord incednius without taking more than 1 tick of damage from the lava

I shouldn't have to explain why thats really important

I'd even be content if they just band-aided it with extra fireguard destroyers placed along the wall or by placing extra lava, or by placing a big stop sign lol

Re: Ask about particular bugfixes/features here

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:31 am
by Sélenne
What bug that has to be fixed are your talking about ?

Because you take lava damages in nostalrius, it has been fix in 2011 and even nerf to be like on retail because damages was too high

Re: Ask about particular bugfixes/features here

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:35 am
by balsh
I think he means hugging the wall all the way, you had to take dammages on some parts back on retail.

That's some funny glitches for the most part I don't even remember/knew about.
I'd be surprised if most of these were actualy coded.
Having everything just like it was on retail is just impossible.

Re: Ask about particular bugfixes/features here

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:08 pm
by NerZhulen
What about rare (silver) monsters, do they drop rare items on nostalrius?

Re: Ask about particular bugfixes/features here

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 5:13 pm
by kahari
Anyone know how well fishing is scripted on this server? I love fishing and it is often neglected on private realms.

Would be nice to see some dev input in this thread!

Re: Ask about particular bugfixes/features here

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 5:29 pm
by Aquane
Is there a bug with the talent, Flurry, where if you crit on the last charge of Flurry you don't get a new stack?

Is there a bug with the Troll racial, Berserking, where the attack speed given is random instead of based on your %hp?

EDIT: is there a bug with Shadowstrike/Thunderstrike and Anathema/Benediction, where if you enchant the stick and then you transform it it loses the enchant? Is that even a bug?

Does having an enslaved demon keep you and your entire raid/party in the area in combat until it is no longer enslaved?

Were these patch changes applied?
"Hex of Weakness (Troll) - Now also applies a -20% healing modifier in addition to its normal effect. The healing debuff does not stack with the warrior's Mortal Strike ability, although the damage penalty now stacks with either Touch of Weakness or Curse of Weakness. Mana cost decreased substantially. "
- patch 1.10 notes

"Two-Handed Axes/Maces (Enhancement Talent) - Skill levels gained with these two weapons will now be retained if you decide to unspend this talent point and return to it later. "
-patch 1.11 notes

"Eviscerate now increases in potency with greater attack power. "
-patch 1.12 notes
supposedly eviscerate gets 15% AP scaling

"A soul shard will be refunded to the caster any time a summoned pet despawns rather than dies. "
-patch 1.12 notes

Does Hand of Justice have a proc chance of 2% per hit, or is it bugged and actually higher than 2%? This is especially important for PvE.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: if one guy in your party has a Cenarion Beacon, and you don't and you mine a small thorium or truesilver or mithril node anywhere in the world, will the node "bug out" as display nothing inside it after the first tick, when the "nothing" is something you can only see if the cenarion beacon is equipped, and then the node I think never despawns? this was a huge bug on rebirth and I'd love to be able to mine stuff without a cenarion beacon in my bag when im grouped; also the cenarion beacon effect, iirc, extents outside of your bank, so if even one guy in your group(and/or raid?)has a cenarion beacon on their person or in their bank, everyone in the group(and/or raid?) gets the bug

Re: Ask about particular bugfixes/features here

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:19 am
by Ghostly
In vanilla, in order to learn Gnomish/Goblin engineering schematics from a trainer, you had to complete a required quest AND have a membership card on you. Said card expired after two weeks and had to be renewed with paying 2 gold to the trainer NPC, and 24h after that you got a gift mailed to you, which could contain rare schematics. Does the membership card work properly here?

Re: Ask about particular bugfixes/features here

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 11:19 pm
by Aquane
please take the time to test as many of these as possibly during the PvP test tomorrow

also, some more questions, I think these can't be addressed during the pvp test

does Blackblade of Sharam(from UBRS) work correctly?
does Dragon's Call(from ST) work correctly?
does the exalted timbermaw trinket work correctly?
does the final warlock doomguard quest work correctly?(this can wait until Dire Maul)
does the Eshkandar set bonus work correctly?
does Uniting the Shattered Amulet work correctly?
the epic hunter questline; does The Cleaner properly spawn when outside help is given for the appropriate part of this questline and during the epic priest quest? do the elite demons properly patrol Un'goro, Silithus, Burning Steepes, and Winterspring?
Does it work at all when you try to transform Anathema/Benediction and Shadowstrike/Thunderstrike?