Ask about particular bugfixes/features here
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:14 am
If you aren't an admin/staff member, I don't want you to just say these have all been fixed without knowing for sure; I want to be completely certain.
I know most of these are gonna be fixed, but I just wanna make sure because the youtube videos don't tell me, and I don't have a facebook(and don't plan to either)
Are you able to skip from lord incendius in BRD to the black forge by jumping off the ledge and hugging the wall with the lava touching it and avoid taking lava damage that way?
Does 100% of lava hurt you, including that in RFC?
Does the WC murloc event work?
Does elemental damage on weapons such as Venomstrike(19 twink bow) work, and is the elemental damage on all weapons treated as the proper damage type if it does work?
Is the item property, Increases spell damage dealt versus undead by X bugged in such a way that all non-physical forms of damage dealt against undead with the item equipped is increased by exactly X, regardless of spell damage coefficients? This bug did result in DoT spells doing 48 extra damage per tick from the blue AD trinket, wand hits doing 48 extra damage(which should be completely unaffected by +spell damage), stuff like Storm Gauntlets(51 extra nature damage per melee hit!) and the DLK amulet and Fiery Retributer from ZG madness event, and all non-physical item procs doing 48 extra damage per hit, and stuff like frostbolt and life drain doing 48 extra damage per hit/tick. Also, is this fixed for AP versus undead?
Does the fire damage from the DLK necklace trigger on gouge then break it? It's not supposed to according to patch 1.12 notes
Does HP regen from spirit work according to retail vanilla, and particularly, do warriors have the vanilla hp regen from spirit or tbc regen? (2006 version) (2007 version)
Do the quests, Battle for Darrowshire and The Attack and What is Going On(part 1) work?
Are you allowed to hike to the likes of uninstanced AQ/STV/Tanaris and Hyjal and Quel'Serrar(is that one tbc+ only?) and CoT and are you able to if you don't get caught?
Does the ZF stairs event work?
Does the Sunken Temple Hakkar event work every time, and does it have the bug where if only one guy aggros Hakkar after he spawns, then he immediately mind controls him/her, and by then no other players have aggroed him, Hakkar despawns and the player stays mind controlled indefinitely?
Does Water Walking work on mounted players? If they are already mounted then Water Walking is used does it work?
Does Shadowfang Keep have a bug where all the chests spawn every time?
The fish in ZG; are they supposed to deaggro if you jump from the surface of the water and land in the water, every time you do it, and do they here?
Are you able to enslave Heredine Slayers in Winterspring or Helboars in Blasted Lands and spam Mortal Strike/Fire Nova with 0 cooldown?
Does Mind Control work right in PvP?
EDIT: Does that one guy in Sen'Jin Village do that funky stuff if you ask after doing the Zazalane quest? This is especially important to me.
I know most of these are gonna be fixed, but I just wanna make sure because the youtube videos don't tell me, and I don't have a facebook(and don't plan to either)
Are you able to skip from lord incendius in BRD to the black forge by jumping off the ledge and hugging the wall with the lava touching it and avoid taking lava damage that way?
Does 100% of lava hurt you, including that in RFC?
Does the WC murloc event work?
Does elemental damage on weapons such as Venomstrike(19 twink bow) work, and is the elemental damage on all weapons treated as the proper damage type if it does work?
Is the item property, Increases spell damage dealt versus undead by X bugged in such a way that all non-physical forms of damage dealt against undead with the item equipped is increased by exactly X, regardless of spell damage coefficients? This bug did result in DoT spells doing 48 extra damage per tick from the blue AD trinket, wand hits doing 48 extra damage(which should be completely unaffected by +spell damage), stuff like Storm Gauntlets(51 extra nature damage per melee hit!) and the DLK amulet and Fiery Retributer from ZG madness event, and all non-physical item procs doing 48 extra damage per hit, and stuff like frostbolt and life drain doing 48 extra damage per hit/tick. Also, is this fixed for AP versus undead?
Does the fire damage from the DLK necklace trigger on gouge then break it? It's not supposed to according to patch 1.12 notes
Does HP regen from spirit work according to retail vanilla, and particularly, do warriors have the vanilla hp regen from spirit or tbc regen? (2006 version) (2007 version)
Do the quests, Battle for Darrowshire and The Attack and What is Going On(part 1) work?
Are you allowed to hike to the likes of uninstanced AQ/STV/Tanaris and Hyjal and Quel'Serrar(is that one tbc+ only?) and CoT and are you able to if you don't get caught?
Does the ZF stairs event work?
Does the Sunken Temple Hakkar event work every time, and does it have the bug where if only one guy aggros Hakkar after he spawns, then he immediately mind controls him/her, and by then no other players have aggroed him, Hakkar despawns and the player stays mind controlled indefinitely?
Does Water Walking work on mounted players? If they are already mounted then Water Walking is used does it work?
Does Shadowfang Keep have a bug where all the chests spawn every time?
The fish in ZG; are they supposed to deaggro if you jump from the surface of the water and land in the water, every time you do it, and do they here?
Are you able to enslave Heredine Slayers in Winterspring or Helboars in Blasted Lands and spam Mortal Strike/Fire Nova with 0 cooldown?
Does Mind Control work right in PvP?
EDIT: Does that one guy in Sen'Jin Village do that funky stuff if you ask after doing the Zazalane quest? This is especially important to me.