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How many players are expected to play on Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 10:47 pm
by Orcduck
I've asked some people advertising this server (on Feenix) and all of them told me they expect around 1000 people.

Is this an accurate figure of the # of players expected to join?

Re: How many players are expected to play on Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 10:51 pm
by cardk
Well, as Viper said in the viewtopic.php?f=2&t=788
"we would like to express our appreciation for the 1205, unique and distinct, testers who has helped us during the test sessions."

So 1205 people tested Nos out. I know many people who didn't bother, and now that Nos releases a good amount of time before Kronos, that will probably bring some of their playerbase over as well. So 1000 players would be in the low end of my prediction, though there is no way to know for sure.

Re: How many players are expected to play on Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 10:59 pm
by Lemonfreezer
I really hope that Nost will have a high playerbase (atleast 1000 people at rushhour times) because that's the main thing that makes a server great. You can have the server 100% scripted but that ain't worth shit if there's no people playing on it.

Re: How many players are expected to play on Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:19 pm
I'm hoping for 5-6k one day! :)

Re: How many players are expected to play on Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:12 am
by mike1097
1000-3000 are realistic I think. It will take some time

Re: How many players are expected to play on Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:53 am
by James Goblin
So far, these are numbers we got: Nos reported 4000+ subscribers maybe a week ago (this is easily higher now - the number was rising very quickly from previously reported 3k+ to 4k before that announcement, and during the beginning of the hype campaign), 1205 overall "distinct" testers (as cardk already said) during open sessions and there is 1271 facebook likes currently.

Key question is not how huge initial numbers will be (these can easily be server-crushingly huge :D ) but what will happen in the long run, connected both with Nos stability (DDOS...), quality of polish (especially low level polish IMO - once people ding 60, they will be too invested and much less likely to just leave) and eventual Kronos launch.

Re: How many players are expected to play on Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:30 pm
by Nobbynobs
Personally, I've been able to scrape and whip 6 chaps into joining the server. And I only found about out this little bijou three days ago. If the server truly offers an all-scripted plate of quests and spells and talents that work in, if not perfect, then acceptable and common-sense manner, then there is little to fear. Should the server meet the community's expectations, the population will ebb or flow accordingly.

Let's not forget that Feenix's much ballyhooed Emerald Dream was an utter dissapointment insofar as the staff resorted to petty lying and attached non-existant quality to what were blatantly stupid misfires - such as an inability to fix the simplest dungeons in a timely fashion and provide reliable time schedule of upcoming dungeons, opting for, instead, snubbing a lot of those most concerned and even, on occasion, inviting people to leave if they didn't like it.

I was one of those who left after their generous invitation had been extended. Maybe their server is a great place now, but back then I was shown the door and I gladly stepped outside.

Re: How many players are expected to play on Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 11:57 pm
by Orcduck
There has been an update on the forums about how Athairne (who is one of the leaders of Feenix) hiring new devs for accelerating the progress of fixes/improvements, and also the future implementation of WoD and MoP servers to attract more people to the server (and in the process, the 2 vanilla servers)

Maybe Feenix will use Nostralius and Kronos as inspirations to improve themselves?

And as always, Carl is the best...and we love him

Re: How many players are expected to play on Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:22 am
by alucard001
I hope someday we have logging queue because of overpopulated :D

Re: How many players are expected to play on Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:29 am
by Keftenk
alucard001 wrote:I hope someday we have logging queue because of overpopulated :D

I sure don't D: Queue's of over 2000+ and shit...
Even Cataclysm had this problem D: