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Class Specs Improved?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:39 am
by TheLockKing
I currently play on a TBC server though have been very interested in Nostalrius for a while, but something has been keeping me from getting completely onboard with the project. Vanilla, while beyond amazing, had the problem of only 1 (2 if you were lucky) spec for each class working correctly. It wouldn't be that bad if the specs in question weren't ones I was more interested in (Destro and Fury for instance!). I've done a search and can't really find anything that points to any fixes to specs to allow them all (or at least MOST) to be working and viable.

I understand you'd want to keep things as close to Vanilla as possible, but surely there can be some plans to improve on its broken aspects. Is there any plan for this in the future, or can one be made?

Re: Class Specs Improved?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 2:50 am
by Drain
You're asking them to perform balance changes that Classic did not perform. This isn't going to occur. If you want want Classic, that is what they want to give you, for better or worst. If you want better balance, you'll have to stay with BC, which made every talent tree generally viable.

Re: Class Specs Improved?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:10 am
by Keftenk
If you dig deep into the forums of another popular project you'll see that some Ret Pallys, Prot Pallys, Enhance Shamans, Moonkin Druids, etc. have made their unpopular specs work and viable. Being competitive though? Probably only with specific circumstances.

Definitely try hard mode though, heh.

Re: Class Specs Improved?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:24 am
by TheLockKing
Yeah, I've been looking at Feenix's forums to see SOME idea of a way to make the less popular/working specs work. For the most part there's been plenty of information to give an idea, though there's always that disclaimer that you will be less effective than the good specs.

It's not really that much of a problem for me, per say.. >.> The only ones who'd really be affected would be my Destro, Fury, Elemental and ProtRet.. Course I mostly PvP with those kinda characters so it's not that bad.

Re: Class Specs Improved?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:46 am
by MadeByRockets
The problem with these "unpopular" specs is that you have to literally go try-hard mode to even compete with anything.

Also, I could have sworn destro becomes viable with AQ40 with enough sp/crit?

Re: Class Specs Improved?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 4:32 am
by TheLockKing
MadeByRockets wrote:The problem with these "unpopular" specs is that you have to literally go try-hard mode to even compete with anything.

Also, I could have sworn destro becomes viable with AQ40 with enough sp/crit?

Looking at the set bonuses for 2.5, that sounds possible. The same goes for MC (T2) gear, though Felheart seems WAY more geared for Affliction.

Re: Class Specs Improved?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:37 am
by Lemonfreezer
Fury and Destro actually become pretty good at AQ40 / R12 gear. Destro is even viable before that but still not as good as SL or SM/Ruin. I'll be playing a warlock and as soon as I lay hands on such gear I'm respeccin to Destro for PvP.

I see lots of people claim that they absolutely love vanilla and then they want to change this, this and that. Well sorry guys but when you really love something (or someone) you have to love it with its imperfections as well. ;)

Nobody forbids you from playing the less viable specs but if you wanna succeed with them you'll have to pull some epic tryhard skills and also be overgeared compared to most people :D