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Definition of Multiboxin

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 7:58 pm
by Patience
I just have a quick question regarding multiboxing.

Is it multiboxing if I have another account for banking, and having it online at the same time? Or is this allowed? Will not break anything in the game, and this was definitely doable in vanilla retail. All it does is make life easier.

If the question has been asked before and answered, please link it to me!


Re: Definition of Multiboxin

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:49 pm
by whitekidney
Multiboxing is when you are running several clients which are then controlled by you, via replication software that sends keypresses/mousemovement to all the wow clients at once.

Having two clients up at the same time is not multiboxing. Using key-replication software to play on all at the same time is.

Re: Definition of Multiboxin

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:07 pm
by Patience
Thank you my friend!

That settles it then. :)

Re: Definition of Multiboxin

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 11:56 pm
by Hallonkaka
How about multi-boxing and bots ?
Definition of multi-boxing : Multiboxing is a term used mostly in MMORPGs to refer to playing as multiple separate characters simultaneously, with or without additional programs.
Multi-boxing and bots are forbidden on our server, as it can impact others players moods and the global economy.

Source: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3

aka, no multiboxing at all, with or without programs. what i wonder if they will make some kind of exception to level 1 bank alts in major cities.

Re: Definition of Multiboxin

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:47 am
by mrmr
whitekidney wrote:Multiboxing is when you are running several clients which are then controlled by you, via replication software that sends keypresses/mousemovement to all the wow clients at once.

Having two clients up at the same time is not multiboxing. Using key-replication software to play on all at the same time is.

So, keep a character on follow, while the other kills is fine?
No "replication" software involved.

Re: Definition of Multiboxin

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:12 am
by cyklon
If am not misstaken, as long as 1 keypress doesnt affekt more then 1 client, it isnt multiboxing?

Re: Definition of Multiboxin

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:32 am
by Banezilla
I thought all methods of multi-boxing was banned regardless if you control both characters with software or just have two computers with one character on auto follow.

Re: Definition of Multiboxin

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:07 am
by Ike
From the FAQ:
How about multi-boxing and bots ?
Definition of multi-boxing : Multiboxing is a term used mostly in MMORPGs to refer to playing as multiple separate characters simultaneously, with or without additional programs.
Multi-boxing and bots are forbidden on our server, as it can impact others players moods and the global economy.

So I guess you won't be allowed to use multiple accounts at once, regardless of using software or not.

Re: Definition of Multiboxin

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:15 pm
by SanderP
Daemon wrote:The quoted definition comes from Wikipédia (
And Grungie is right, your are allowed to do that SanderP.
multiple separate characters simultaneously

When you use a first account to enchant a second account, there is no "simultaneous" action. It is not categorized as multiboxing, and it will be allowed on Nostalrius Begins.

Multi account: yes (except specific cases precised on the term of use, for example PvP abuses, ...).
Multiboxing: no

So ... leveling one char with the help of my main WITHOUT a program is allowed, or is it not?

Re: Definition of Multiboxin

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:40 pm
by Sethzer
Ike wrote:From the FAQ:
How about multi-boxing and bots ?
Definition of multi-boxing : Multiboxing is a term used mostly in MMORPGs to refer to playing as multiple separate characters simultaneously, with or without additional programs.
Multi-boxing and bots are forbidden on our server, as it can impact others players moods and the global economy.

So I guess you won't be allowed to use multiple accounts at once, regardless of using software or not.

From what I've read it works like this:

Alt-tab between multiple clients at the same time is allowed.
Using software to send key presses to more than one client is not allowed.

So yes you can have char(s) on follow if you intend to boost someone/yourself or for w/e reason you want to use more than one character at the same time, but that's it apparently.