I thought this thread is called "Trusted Crafters List"? Whats the Point if everyone just keeps listing himself? I've already read a couple of names of People ITT that are said to have scammed People.
Alliance/Tailoring Derzak <The Patrician> -Felcloth/Frostweave/Dreamweave/Runecloth Sets, Robe of Winter Night -Shadoweave Set, Star Belts, Robes of Arcana -Runecloth Bags, Enchanted Runecloth Bags, Soul Pouches, Rich Purple Silk Shirts No fee, as long as you provide the materials, but tips are certainly welcome.
Alliance: Lorilay <Exiled> - Elemental Leatherworking - Living Shoulders/Leggings - Volcanic Set - Thorium Brotherhood Friendly - All other patterns currently in game
Alliance / Enchanter Pernille <Queens of Darkshore> | No specializations | No factions -Crusader and many others | Fee for crusader, tips for others. Ask me if I have mats.