HP Bars AddOn

HP Bars AddOn

by korneliusz19981998 » Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:56 pm

Hello. I clicked in interface and now I see my hp and mana number. But I don`t see players` numbers of hp. How can I change it? Is it AddOn or what? If I need to download AddOn - please help me and give me link to download. Thanks.
And second problem is - when I /w to someone, I say: /w Joseph <message> (if I want to speak to Joseph) and I say message. When I want to do it again I need again to say: /w Joseph <message>. It is very pathetic. How can I change it? I want to say: /w Joseph and after I say message I don`t want to say /w Joseph <message> again, I want it automatically. Link AddOn please. Thanks

Re: HP Bars AddOn

by Coreborn » Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:12 pm

For the first one, try Archaeologist

For second part, try Caeryn's StickyChat
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