I got sick of looking at the old design of EnergyWatch, so I made some changes and imported a few textures for borders and progress bar. Also added some more functionality to the text.
The addon now also displays combo points directly above the energy watch frame (can be disabled by /ew togglecp)
some screenshots:
Possible future modifications: allow dimensionality changes (making it wider / more height), changing text/progress bar color.
As for the new text functionality - &time stands for time to next tick and &ne stands for energy after next tick. Of course, old &c (combo points), &e (energy) and &em (max energy) are preserved.
Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3zvv8mj5hu7hj ... 2.zip?dl=0
The file is obviously a little larger, as it contains quite a few textures. Hope someone finds it nice.