Sounds like an "addon" that will automate ingame functions (that is forbiden by the rules by the way).
Besides, if you are sending the same message to alot of people i call from now that it will be spam, (susan game is that you
But thats my opinion on the topic, it is posible for such "addon" to be made but it will be against the rules i believe.
Ref. :
Revised: 2015-10-15
...IV. Cheating/Unlawful
Nostalrius staff may suspend or close any account if you violate, or assist others in violating, the sections set forth below. You agree that you will not, in whole or in part or under any circumstances, do the following.
Use, offer, advertise and/or distribute the following or assist there in:
... B. Bots; including, but not limited to, any code, hardware and/or software that allows the automated control of the Game, or any feature or component thereof.
The Nostalrius team will have the final judgement that is for sure fellow player. I am just offering you the information that i know.