And what about a really little countdown numbers at every ticking buff/debuff? Appears on literally every thing under target's frame. Id really like to have it hidden at least
i have the same error when use this addon with SuperMacro
---- this error not because of supermacro, addon have conflict with all my macros, like /cast Frostbolt (Rank 1) , how to fix it? i think this error happens when EnemyBuffTimersVanilla trying to make post in chat.
Is there any way to get the timer and the spiral centered on the debuff? ive tried different font sizes, and in this screen shot the font is like so: this.text:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, this:GetHeight()/1.3, "OUTLINE");
This release here has it centered, but there might be other bugs in it. If you just want to adjust the scale for the cooldown icon, the current scaling code of your version has to be replace by: