Hey all,
I have another gift for the community. First and foremost I'm not at all interested in taking this project on full time. I only made some very useful improvements to the latest stable version: v2.0.12. I've uploaded my changes to GitHub so you can clearly see the difference between v2.0.12 and my new release that I've tagged v2.0.14 (they used the tag v2.0.13 for their unstable "dev" version.)
This new version has better tool tips that shows the quest level and the quest starter and/or finisher. I've also added the ability to Shift+CTRL Click on a quest icon to manually complete it. This is the same function that the slash cmd uses /questie complete "insert quest name here". If there is more than one step to complete a dialog popup will appear that will accept the step number you'd like to flag as complete. I've also added a refresh routine into the click function to refresh the WorldMap after each click. The icons will immediately disappear without a ReloadUI or Questie Toggle from the WorldMap. I have personally wiped my local Questie SavedVariables file in order to test these changes and I was able to complete all the quests that I've done so far on my level 31 Priest without issue. It only took me 5 min. Imagine how long it would have taken me if I were to manually type hundreds of quests via the command line with /questie complete?
*UPDATE* - I've removed my modified version and forked v2.0.13 from the master branch. I've submitted a pull request on GitHub to have my changes merged with theirs.